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Navigating the Hypervisor Market: Why Customer Choice Matters More Than Ever

Hypervisors have quickly become an indispensable part of modern IT infrastructure. Many organizations can benefit from a full-stack hypervisor solution and achieve a new level of workload portability and agility, but making the right choice is key.

The modern hypervisor has emerged as a cornerstone of indispensable IT infrastructure, revolutionizing the way organizations deploy, manage and scale their computing resources.

Hypervisors enable the creation and management of virtualized environments, enabling organizations to optimize hardware, reduce costs and enhance flexibility, making it possible to run diverse workloads without the need for dedicated physical hardware for each application.

Hypervisors can help your organization to unlock greater workload portability, an essential component for any business to stay competitive in the digital age.

The Importance of Hypervisors Today

Hypervisors, at their core, are software or firmware that create and manage virtualized environments, enabling multiple operating systems to run on a single physical machine simultaneously. As cloud computing, virtualization and containerization become an increasingly vital part of modern IT infrastructure, hypervisors play a pivotal role.

Modern hypervisors have a number of capabilities that organizations often don’t fully utilize:

  1. Hypervisors allow for better resource consolidation: Hypervisors allow multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical server, which can consolidate your workloads and ultimately reduce the number of physical servers needed.

  2. Hypervisors enable you to become more agile and scalable: Hypervisors simplify the management of infrastructure by providing centralized management interfaces, allowing administrators to better manage and monitor their whole environment.

  3. Hypervisors can provide strong isolation and security: Virtualization through hypervisors provides strong isolation between different VMs, enhancing your security and control.

  4. Hypervisors strengthen disaster recovery and business continuity measures: With features such as snapshots, cloning and live migration, hypervisors make it easier to implement robust disaster recovery and high availability solutions.

From Full Stack to Full Potential

Despite the cost-efficiency offered by hypervisors, customers are often hesitant to lock themselves into a proprietary solution. What used to be just a hypervisor solution has now become hypervisors plus automation, management or a full-stack solution that often has the same functionality as the cloud.

The importance of customer choice cannot be overstated in the rapidly evolving landscape of technology. Customers may fear being tied to a single vendor’s ecosystem because they feel it can stifle their ability to adopt emerging technologies, leverage competitive pricing or switch vendors if the need arises.

For many customers, however, these full-stack solutions can actually be the right direction for their business, and they can offer several advantages that streamline deployment, management and support across the entire IT infrastructure:

  1. Simplified Integration: Full-stack solutions often come pre-integrated with complementary software components, such as management tools, orchestration frameworks and monitoring systems. This integration simplifies the deployment process and reduces compatibility issues, as all components are designed to seamlessly work together. You also avoid the headaches involved with licensing — instead of dealing with separate licensing agreements for each individual component, the full-stack solution provides a comprehensive package that streamlines the procurement process and reduces administrative overhead.|

  2. Centralized Management: By encompassing the entire stack, from the hypervisor to the application layer, full-stack solutions provide a centralized management interface that allows administrators to monitor and control all aspects of the infrastructure from a single dashboard. This unified approach improves efficiency, reduces administrative overhead, and enhances visibility into system performance and resource utilization.

  3. Optimized Performance: Full-stack solutions are engineered to work together, leveraging synergies between different layers of the stack to maximize performance and efficiency. Hypervisors can be optimized to take advantage of hardware acceleration features, such as Intel VT-x or AMD-V, while application frameworks can be fine-tuned to utilize underlying hardware capabilities for performance.

  4. Enhanced Security: Full-stack solutions often include built-in security features and compliance controls that are seamlessly integrated across the entire infrastructure. This holistic approach ensures that all layers of the stack are protected against threats and vulnerabilities, reducing the attack surface and mitigating security risks.

  5. Vendor Support: Opting for a full-stack solution from a single vendor means having a single point of contact for support and maintenance. This simplifies troubleshooting and ensures timely resolution of issues through vendor-provided support agreements.

Choosing the Right Partner

We understand the importance of customer choice. CDW can help you to assess your business needs, so you know which full-stack hypervisor solution will work best for you.

Wherever you are at in your journey, CDW has the technology, services and experts to help you achieve your business and technology goals. We can help you to deploy the right infrastructure, build an agile IT environment that supports your goals and turn IT from an expense into an innovation engine.

To learn more about our virtualization and hypervisor solutions, click here.


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Andrew Young

Hybrid Infrastructure Strategy Lead
Andrew Young is an experienced Hybrid Infrastructure Strategy Lead with a strong blend of technical expertise and business acumen. He is dedicated to driving organizational growth and innovation through the development and execution of strategic initiatives and skilled in mapping out comprehensive hybrid infrastructure strategies encompassing networking, storage, compute, and cloud solutions.