Know your gear
The WatchGuard Firebox T10 delivers enterprise-level security, making it ideal for small office/home office and retail environments. It can be used as a stand-alone security system or centrally managed from corporate headquarters. Flexible management tools and WatchGuard's RapidDeploy technology enable administrators to quickly setup the T10 device at remote locations so businesses can ensure that they protect where they connect. With up to 200 Mbps firewall throughput, 55 Mbps UTM throughput, and three 1-Gigabit Ethernet ports. WatchGuard Dimension, which provides real-time visibility into network activity and security events, is included at no additional cost. The Basic Security Suite delivers security subscriptions to boost protection in critical attack areas, including Application Control, Intrusion Prevention Service, WebBlocker, Gateway AntiVirus, Reputation Enabled Defense, Network Discovery, and spamBlocker, plus 24X7 support.
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