In response to market needs, Pantone has made many changes to its Process Color Guides and Chips books. These changes are designed to provide higher quality, more accurate color specification and greater utility. This PANTONE® Process Color Guide displays over 3,000 CMYK color combinations on coated stock. Use it to visualize, communicate and control applied process colors for type, logos, borders, backgrounds and other graphics treatments.
Over 3,000 process colors with their CMYK screen percentages
Broad range of chromatic and neutral colors thoroughly covers color space
Brighter paper stock
New screen angles to accommodate common industry usage
Changing from 150 to more commonly used 175-line screen for higher resolution
KCMY print rotation for improved color presentation
A new color numbering system to distinguish from prior editions
The inclusion of a CD-ROM for use with popular desktop applications
Convenient fan format
Screen tints in 5% steps, plus a 3% tint