{"version":3,"names":["NAMESPACE","isSvgMode","queuePending","getAssetPath","path","assetUrl","URL","plt","$resourcesUrl$","origin","win","location","href","pathname","createTime","fnName","tagName","uniqueTime","key","measureText","ORG_LOCATION_ID","SLOT_NODE_ID","TEXT_NODE_ID","HYDRATE_ID","HYDRATED_STYLE_ID","HYDRATE_CHILD_ID","HYDRATED_CSS","SLOT_FB_CSS","EMPTY_OBJ","isComplexType","o","queryNonceMetaTagContent","doc","_a","_b","_c","head","querySelector","getAttribute","undefined","h","nodeName","vnodeData","children","child","simple","lastSimple","vNodeChildren","walk","c","i","length","Array","isArray","String","$text$","push","newVNode","classData","className","class","Object","keys","filter","k","join","vdomFnUtils","vnode","$attrs$","$children$","tag","text","$flags$","$tag$","$elm$","Host","isHost","node","forEach","cb","map","convertToPublic","convertToPrivate","vattrs","vchildren","vkey","$key$","vname","$name$","vtag","vtext","assign","name","initializeClientHydrate","hostElm","hostId","hostRef","endHydrate","shadowRoot","childRenderNodes","slotNodes","shadowRootNodes","$vnode$","$orgLocNodes$","initializeDocumentHydrate","body","Map","removeAttribute","clientHydrate","orgLocationId","$hostId$","$nodeId$","orgLocationNode","get","supportsShadow","parentNode","insertBefore","nextSibling","delete","parentVNode","childNodeType","childIdSplt","childVNode","nodeType","split","$depth$","$index$","toLowerCase","childNodes","nodeValue","textContent","remove","orgLocNodes","set","parsePropertyValue","propValue","propType","emitEvent","elm","opts","ev","ce","dispatchEvent","rootAppliedStyles","WeakMap","registerStyle","scopeId","cssText","allowCS","style","styles","supportsConstructableStylesheets","CSSStyleSheet","replaceSync","addStyle","styleContainerNode","cmpMeta","mode","getScopeId","appliedStyles","styleElm","Set","has","host","innerHTML","createElement","nonce","$nonce$","setAttribute","add","adoptedStyleSheets","includes","attachStyles","$cmpMeta$","$hostElement$","endAttachStyles","$tagName$","getRootNode","cmp","setAccessor","memberName","oldValue","newValue","isSvg","flags","isProp","isMemberInElement","ln","classList","oldClasses","parseClassList","newClasses","slice","capture","endsWith","CAPTURE_EVENT_SUFFIX","replace","CAPTURE_EVENT_REGEX","rel","ael","isComplex","n","e","parseClassListRegex","value","RegExp","updateElement","oldVnode","newVnode","oldVnodeAttrs","newVnodeAttrs","createElm","oldParentVNode","newParentVNode","childIndex","parentElm","childNode","createTextNode","appendChild","addVnodes","before","vnodes","startIdx","endIdx","containerElm","removeVnodes","index","updateChildren","oldCh","newCh","oldStartIdx","newStartIdx","oldEndIdx","oldStartVnode","oldEndVnode","newEndIdx","newStartVnode","newEndVnode","isSameVnode","patch","leftVNode","rightVNode","oldVNode","oldChildren","newChildren","data","renderVdom","renderFnResults","isInitialLoad","rootVnode","hasAttribute","attachToAncestor","ancestorComponent","$onRenderResolve$","Promise","r","scheduleUpdate","$ancestorComponent$","dispatch","dispatchHooks","writeTask","endSchedule","instance","$lazyInstance$","maybePromise","$queuedListeners$","methodName","event","safeCall","enqueue","updateComponent","fn","isPromisey","then","async","endUpdate","rc","endRender","callRender","childrenPromises","postUpdate","postUpdateComponent","all","render","consoleError","endPostUpdate","addHydratedFlag","$onReadyResolve$","appDidLoad","nextTick","who","documentElement","detail","namespace","method","arg","getValue","ref","propName","getHostRef","$instanceValues$","setValue","newVal","oldVal","$members$","areBothNaN","Number","isNaN","didValueChange","proxyComponent","Cstr","members","entries","prototype","memberFlags","defineProperty","this","configurable","enumerable","attrNameToPropName","attributeChangedCallback","attrName","jmp","hasOwnProperty","entry","$watchers$","callbackName","call","observedAttributes","from","_","m","initializeComponent","hmrVersionId","loadModule","endLoad","isProxied","endNewInstance","fireConnectedCallback","endRegisterStyles","schedule","connectedCallback","endConnected","addHostEventListeners","$listeners$","$onReadyPromise$","disconnectInstance","disconnectedCallback","$rmListeners$","rmListener","patchChildSlotNodes","FakeNodeList","item","childNodesFn","__lookupGetter__","result","slot","bootstrapLazy","lazyBundles","options","endBootstrap","cmpTags","exclude","customElements","metaCharset","dataStyles","deferredConnectedCallbacks","appLoadFallback","isBootstrapping","resourcesUrl","baseURI","hasSlotRelocation","lazyBundle","compactMeta","HostElement","HTMLElement","constructor","self","super","registerHost","clearTimeout","componentOnReady","$lazyBundleId$","define","firstChild","setTimeout","Fragment","listeners","attachParentListeners","target","getHostListenerTarget","handler","hostListenerProxy","hostListenerOpts","setNonce","hostRefs","registerInstance","lazyInstance","hostElement","el","console","error","cmpModules","exportName","bundleId","module","import","importedModule","window","document","raf","requestAnimationFrame","eventName","listener","addEventListener","removeEventListener","CustomEvent","promiseResolve","v","resolve","queueDomReads","queueDomWrites","queueTask","queue","write","flush","consume","performance","now"],"sources":["@stencil/core/internal/app-data","node_modules/@stencil/core/internal/client/index.js?app-data=conditional"],"sourcesContent":["export const NAMESPACE = 'navigation';\nexport const BUILD = /* navigation */ { allRenderFn: true, appendChildSlotFix: false, asyncLoading: true, asyncQueue: false, attachStyles: true, cloneNodeFix: false, cmpDidLoad: true, cmpDidRender: false, cmpDidUnload: false, cmpDidUpdate: false, cmpShouldUpdate: false, cmpWillLoad: true, cmpWillRender: false, cmpWillUpdate: false, connectedCallback: true, constructableCSS: true, cssAnnotations: true, devTools: false, disconnectedCallback: true, element: false, event: false, experimentalSlotFixes: false, formAssociated: false, hasRenderFn: true, hostListener: true, hostListenerTarget: true, hostListenerTargetBody: false, hostListenerTargetDocument: true, hostListenerTargetParent: false, hostListenerTargetWindow: false, hotModuleReplacement: false, hydrateClientSide: true, hydrateServerSide: false, hydratedAttribute: false, hydratedClass: true, initializeNextTick: false, invisiblePrehydration: true, isDebug: false, isDev: false, isTesting: false, lazyLoad: true, lifecycle: true, lifecycleDOMEvents: false, member: true, method: false, mode: false, observeAttribute: true, profile: false, prop: true, propBoolean: true, propMutable: true, propNumber: false, propString: true, reflect: false, scoped: false, scopedSlotTextContentFix: false, scriptDataOpts: true, shadowDelegatesFocus: false, shadowDom: false, slot: false, slotChildNodesFix: true, slotRelocation: false, state: true, style: true, svg: false, taskQueue: true, transformTagName: false, updatable: true, vdomAttribute: true, vdomClass: true, vdomFunctional: true, vdomKey: false, vdomListener: true, vdomPropOrAttr: true, vdomRef: false, vdomRender: true, vdomStyle: false, vdomText: true, vdomXlink: false, watchCallback: false };\nexport const Env = /* navigation */ {};\n","/**\n * Virtual DOM patching algorithm based on Snabbdom by\n * Simon Friis Vindum (@paldepind)\n * Licensed under the MIT License\n * https://github.com/snabbdom/snabbdom/blob/master/LICENSE\n *\n * Modified for Stencil's renderer and slot projection\n */\nlet scopeId;\nlet contentRef;\nlet hostTagName;\nlet customError;\nlet i = 0;\nlet useNativeShadowDom = false;\nlet checkSlotFallbackVisibility = false;\nlet checkSlotRelocate = false;\nlet isSvgMode = false;\nlet renderingRef = null;\nlet queueCongestion = 0;\nlet queuePending = false;\n/*\n Stencil Client Platform v4.7.2 | MIT Licensed | https://stenciljs.com\n */\nimport { BUILD, NAMESPACE } from '@stencil/core/internal/app-data';\nconst Build = {\n isDev: BUILD.isDev ? true : false,\n isBrowser: true,\n isServer: false,\n isTesting: BUILD.isTesting ? true : false,\n};\nconst getAssetPath = (path) => {\n const assetUrl = new URL(path, plt.$resourcesUrl$);\n return assetUrl.origin !== win.location.origin ? assetUrl.href : assetUrl.pathname;\n};\nconst setAssetPath = (path) => (plt.$resourcesUrl$ = path);\nconst createTime = (fnName, tagName = '') => {\n if (BUILD.profile && performance.mark) {\n const key = `st:${fnName}:${tagName}:${i++}`;\n // Start\n performance.mark(key);\n // End\n return () => performance.measure(`[Stencil] ${fnName}() <${tagName}>`, key);\n }\n else {\n return () => {\n return;\n };\n }\n};\nconst uniqueTime = (key, measureText) => {\n if (BUILD.profile && performance.mark) {\n if (performance.getEntriesByName(key, 'mark').length === 0) {\n performance.mark(key);\n }\n return () => {\n if (performance.getEntriesByName(measureText, 'measure').length === 0) {\n performance.measure(measureText, key);\n }\n };\n }\n else {\n return () => {\n return;\n };\n }\n};\nconst inspect = (ref) => {\n const hostRef = getHostRef(ref);\n if (!hostRef) {\n return undefined;\n }\n const flags = hostRef.$flags$;\n const hostElement = hostRef.$hostElement$;\n return {\n renderCount: hostRef.$renderCount$,\n flags: {\n hasRendered: !!(flags & 2 /* HOST_FLAGS.hasRendered */),\n hasConnected: !!(flags & 1 /* HOST_FLAGS.hasConnected */),\n isWaitingForChildren: !!(flags & 4 /* HOST_FLAGS.isWaitingForChildren */),\n isConstructingInstance: !!(flags & 8 /* HOST_FLAGS.isConstructingInstance */),\n isQueuedForUpdate: !!(flags & 16 /* HOST_FLAGS.isQueuedForUpdate */),\n hasInitializedComponent: !!(flags & 32 /* HOST_FLAGS.hasInitializedComponent */),\n hasLoadedComponent: !!(flags & 64 /* HOST_FLAGS.hasLoadedComponent */),\n isWatchReady: !!(flags & 128 /* HOST_FLAGS.isWatchReady */),\n isListenReady: !!(flags & 256 /* HOST_FLAGS.isListenReady */),\n needsRerender: !!(flags & 512 /* HOST_FLAGS.needsRerender */),\n },\n instanceValues: hostRef.$instanceValues$,\n ancestorComponent: hostRef.$ancestorComponent$,\n hostElement,\n lazyInstance: hostRef.$lazyInstance$,\n vnode: hostRef.$vnode$,\n modeName: hostRef.$modeName$,\n onReadyPromise: hostRef.$onReadyPromise$,\n onReadyResolve: hostRef.$onReadyResolve$,\n onInstancePromise: hostRef.$onInstancePromise$,\n onInstanceResolve: hostRef.$onInstanceResolve$,\n onRenderResolve: hostRef.$onRenderResolve$,\n queuedListeners: hostRef.$queuedListeners$,\n rmListeners: hostRef.$rmListeners$,\n ['s-id']: hostElement['s-id'],\n ['s-cr']: hostElement['s-cr'],\n ['s-lr']: hostElement['s-lr'],\n ['s-p']: hostElement['s-p'],\n ['s-rc']: hostElement['s-rc'],\n ['s-sc']: hostElement['s-sc'],\n };\n};\nconst installDevTools = () => {\n if (BUILD.devTools) {\n const stencil = (win.stencil = win.stencil || {});\n const originalInspect = stencil.inspect;\n stencil.inspect = (ref) => {\n let result = inspect(ref);\n if (!result && typeof originalInspect === 'function') {\n result = originalInspect(ref);\n }\n return result;\n };\n }\n};\nconst CONTENT_REF_ID = 'r';\nconst ORG_LOCATION_ID = 'o';\nconst SLOT_NODE_ID = 's';\nconst TEXT_NODE_ID = 't';\nconst HYDRATE_ID = 's-id';\nconst HYDRATED_STYLE_ID = 'sty-id';\nconst HYDRATE_CHILD_ID = 'c-id';\nconst HYDRATED_CSS = '{visibility:hidden}.hydrated{visibility:inherit}';\n/**\n * Constant for styles to be globally applied to `slot-fb` elements for pseudo-slot behavior.\n *\n * Two cascading rules must be used instead of a `:not()` selector due to Stencil browser\n * support as of Stencil v4.\n */\nconst SLOT_FB_CSS = 'slot-fb{display:contents}slot-fb[hidden]{display:none}';\nconst XLINK_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink';\n/**\n * Default style mode id\n */\n/**\n * Reusable empty obj/array\n * Don't add values to these!!\n */\nconst EMPTY_OBJ = {};\n/**\n * Namespaces\n */\nconst SVG_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';\nconst HTML_NS = 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml';\nconst isDef = (v) => v != null;\n/**\n * Check whether a value is a 'complex type', defined here as an object or a\n * function.\n *\n * @param o the value to check\n * @returns whether it's a complex type or not\n */\nconst isComplexType = (o) => {\n // https://jsperf.com/typeof-fn-object/5\n o = typeof o;\n return o === 'object' || o === 'function';\n};\n/**\n * Helper method for querying a `meta` tag that contains a nonce value\n * out of a DOM's head.\n *\n * @param doc The DOM containing the `head` to query against\n * @returns The content of the meta tag representing the nonce value, or `undefined` if no tag\n * exists or the tag has no content.\n */\nfunction queryNonceMetaTagContent(doc) {\n var _a, _b, _c;\n return (_c = (_b = (_a = doc.head) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.querySelector('meta[name=\"csp-nonce\"]')) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.getAttribute('content')) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : undefined;\n}\n/**\n * Production h() function based on Preact by\n * Jason Miller (@developit)\n * Licensed under the MIT License\n * https://github.com/developit/preact/blob/master/LICENSE\n *\n * Modified for Stencil's compiler and vdom\n */\n// export function h(nodeName: string | d.FunctionalComponent, vnodeData: d.PropsType, child?: d.ChildType): d.VNode;\n// export function h(nodeName: string | d.FunctionalComponent, vnodeData: d.PropsType, ...children: d.ChildType[]): d.VNode;\nconst h = (nodeName, vnodeData, ...children) => {\n let child = null;\n let key = null;\n let slotName = null;\n let simple = false;\n let lastSimple = false;\n const vNodeChildren = [];\n const walk = (c) => {\n for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {\n child = c[i];\n if (Array.isArray(child)) {\n walk(child);\n }\n else if (child != null && typeof child !== 'boolean') {\n if ((simple = typeof nodeName !== 'function' && !isComplexType(child))) {\n child = String(child);\n }\n else if (BUILD.isDev && typeof nodeName !== 'function' && child.$flags$ === undefined) {\n consoleDevError(`vNode passed as children has unexpected type.\nMake sure it's using the correct h() function.\nEmpty objects can also be the cause, look for JSX comments that became objects.`);\n }\n if (simple && lastSimple) {\n // If the previous child was simple (string), we merge both\n vNodeChildren[vNodeChildren.length - 1].$text$ += child;\n }\n else {\n // Append a new vNode, if it's text, we create a text vNode\n vNodeChildren.push(simple ? newVNode(null, child) : child);\n }\n lastSimple = simple;\n }\n }\n };\n walk(children);\n if (vnodeData) {\n if (BUILD.isDev && nodeName === 'input') {\n validateInputProperties(vnodeData);\n }\n if (BUILD.vdomKey && vnodeData.key) {\n key = vnodeData.key;\n }\n if (BUILD.slotRelocation && vnodeData.name) {\n slotName = vnodeData.name;\n }\n // normalize class / className attributes\n if (BUILD.vdomClass) {\n const classData = vnodeData.className || vnodeData.class;\n if (classData) {\n vnodeData.class =\n typeof classData !== 'object'\n ? classData\n : Object.keys(classData)\n .filter((k) => classData[k])\n .join(' ');\n }\n }\n }\n if (BUILD.isDev && vNodeChildren.some(isHost)) {\n consoleDevError(`The must be the single root component. Make sure:\n- You are NOT using hostData() and in the same component.\n- is used once, and it's the single root component of the render() function.`);\n }\n if (BUILD.vdomFunctional && typeof nodeName === 'function') {\n // nodeName is a functional component\n return nodeName(vnodeData === null ? {} : vnodeData, vNodeChildren, vdomFnUtils);\n }\n const vnode = newVNode(nodeName, null);\n vnode.$attrs$ = vnodeData;\n if (vNodeChildren.length > 0) {\n vnode.$children$ = vNodeChildren;\n }\n if (BUILD.vdomKey) {\n vnode.$key$ = key;\n }\n if (BUILD.slotRelocation) {\n vnode.$name$ = slotName;\n }\n return vnode;\n};\n/**\n * A utility function for creating a virtual DOM node from a tag and some\n * possible text content.\n *\n * @param tag the tag for this element\n * @param text possible text content for the node\n * @returns a newly-minted virtual DOM node\n */\nconst newVNode = (tag, text) => {\n const vnode = {\n $flags$: 0,\n $tag$: tag,\n $text$: text,\n $elm$: null,\n $children$: null,\n };\n if (BUILD.vdomAttribute) {\n vnode.$attrs$ = null;\n }\n if (BUILD.vdomKey) {\n vnode.$key$ = null;\n }\n if (BUILD.slotRelocation) {\n vnode.$name$ = null;\n }\n return vnode;\n};\nconst Host = {};\n/**\n * Check whether a given node is a Host node or not\n *\n * @param node the virtual DOM node to check\n * @returns whether it's a Host node or not\n */\nconst isHost = (node) => node && node.$tag$ === Host;\n/**\n * Implementation of {@link d.FunctionalUtilities} for Stencil's VDom.\n *\n * Note that these functions convert from {@link d.VNode} to\n * {@link d.ChildNode} to give functional component developers a friendly\n * interface.\n */\nconst vdomFnUtils = {\n forEach: (children, cb) => children.map(convertToPublic).forEach(cb),\n map: (children, cb) => children.map(convertToPublic).map(cb).map(convertToPrivate),\n};\n/**\n * Convert a {@link d.VNode} to a {@link d.ChildNode} in order to present a\n * friendlier public interface (hence, 'convertToPublic').\n *\n * @param node the virtual DOM node to convert\n * @returns a converted child node\n */\nconst convertToPublic = (node) => ({\n vattrs: node.$attrs$,\n vchildren: node.$children$,\n vkey: node.$key$,\n vname: node.$name$,\n vtag: node.$tag$,\n vtext: node.$text$,\n});\n/**\n * Convert a {@link d.ChildNode} back to an equivalent {@link d.VNode} in\n * order to use the resulting object in the virtual DOM. The initial object was\n * likely created as part of presenting a public API, so converting it back\n * involved making it 'private' again (hence, `convertToPrivate`).\n *\n * @param node the child node to convert\n * @returns a converted virtual DOM node\n */\nconst convertToPrivate = (node) => {\n if (typeof node.vtag === 'function') {\n const vnodeData = Object.assign({}, node.vattrs);\n if (node.vkey) {\n vnodeData.key = node.vkey;\n }\n if (node.vname) {\n vnodeData.name = node.vname;\n }\n return h(node.vtag, vnodeData, ...(node.vchildren || []));\n }\n const vnode = newVNode(node.vtag, node.vtext);\n vnode.$attrs$ = node.vattrs;\n vnode.$children$ = node.vchildren;\n vnode.$key$ = node.vkey;\n vnode.$name$ = node.vname;\n return vnode;\n};\n/**\n * Validates the ordering of attributes on an input element\n *\n * @param inputElm the element to validate\n */\nconst validateInputProperties = (inputElm) => {\n const props = Object.keys(inputElm);\n const value = props.indexOf('value');\n if (value === -1) {\n return;\n }\n const typeIndex = props.indexOf('type');\n const minIndex = props.indexOf('min');\n const maxIndex = props.indexOf('max');\n const stepIndex = props.indexOf('step');\n if (value < typeIndex || value < minIndex || value < maxIndex || value < stepIndex) {\n consoleDevWarn(`The \"value\" prop of should be set after \"min\", \"max\", \"type\" and \"step\"`);\n }\n};\nconst initializeClientHydrate = (hostElm, tagName, hostId, hostRef) => {\n const endHydrate = createTime('hydrateClient', tagName);\n const shadowRoot = hostElm.shadowRoot;\n const childRenderNodes = [];\n const slotNodes = [];\n const shadowRootNodes = BUILD.shadowDom && shadowRoot ? [] : null;\n const vnode = (hostRef.$vnode$ = newVNode(tagName, null));\n if (!plt.$orgLocNodes$) {\n initializeDocumentHydrate(doc.body, (plt.$orgLocNodes$ = new Map()));\n }\n hostElm[HYDRATE_ID] = hostId;\n hostElm.removeAttribute(HYDRATE_ID);\n clientHydrate(vnode, childRenderNodes, slotNodes, shadowRootNodes, hostElm, hostElm, hostId);\n childRenderNodes.map((c) => {\n const orgLocationId = c.$hostId$ + '.' + c.$nodeId$;\n const orgLocationNode = plt.$orgLocNodes$.get(orgLocationId);\n const node = c.$elm$;\n if (orgLocationNode && supportsShadow && orgLocationNode['s-en'] === '') {\n orgLocationNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, orgLocationNode.nextSibling);\n }\n if (!shadowRoot) {\n node['s-hn'] = tagName;\n if (orgLocationNode) {\n node['s-ol'] = orgLocationNode;\n node['s-ol']['s-nr'] = node;\n }\n }\n plt.$orgLocNodes$.delete(orgLocationId);\n });\n if (BUILD.shadowDom && shadowRoot) {\n shadowRootNodes.map((shadowRootNode) => {\n if (shadowRootNode) {\n shadowRoot.appendChild(shadowRootNode);\n }\n });\n }\n endHydrate();\n};\nconst clientHydrate = (parentVNode, childRenderNodes, slotNodes, shadowRootNodes, hostElm, node, hostId) => {\n let childNodeType;\n let childIdSplt;\n let childVNode;\n let i;\n if (node.nodeType === 1 /* NODE_TYPE.ElementNode */) {\n childNodeType = node.getAttribute(HYDRATE_CHILD_ID);\n if (childNodeType) {\n // got the node data from the element's attribute\n // `${hostId}.${nodeId}.${depth}.${index}`\n childIdSplt = childNodeType.split('.');\n if (childIdSplt[0] === hostId || childIdSplt[0] === '0') {\n childVNode = {\n $flags$: 0,\n $hostId$: childIdSplt[0],\n $nodeId$: childIdSplt[1],\n $depth$: childIdSplt[2],\n $index$: childIdSplt[3],\n $tag$: node.tagName.toLowerCase(),\n $elm$: node,\n $attrs$: null,\n $children$: null,\n $key$: null,\n $name$: null,\n $text$: null,\n };\n childRenderNodes.push(childVNode);\n node.removeAttribute(HYDRATE_CHILD_ID);\n // this is a new child vnode\n // so ensure its parent vnode has the vchildren array\n if (!parentVNode.$children$) {\n parentVNode.$children$ = [];\n }\n // add our child vnode to a specific index of the vnode's children\n parentVNode.$children$[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode;\n // this is now the new parent vnode for all the next child checks\n parentVNode = childVNode;\n if (shadowRootNodes && childVNode.$depth$ === '0') {\n shadowRootNodes[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode.$elm$;\n }\n }\n }\n // recursively drill down, end to start so we can remove nodes\n for (i = node.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n clientHydrate(parentVNode, childRenderNodes, slotNodes, shadowRootNodes, hostElm, node.childNodes[i], hostId);\n }\n if (node.shadowRoot) {\n // keep drilling down through the shadow root nodes\n for (i = node.shadowRoot.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n clientHydrate(parentVNode, childRenderNodes, slotNodes, shadowRootNodes, hostElm, node.shadowRoot.childNodes[i], hostId);\n }\n }\n }\n else if (node.nodeType === 8 /* NODE_TYPE.CommentNode */) {\n // `${COMMENT_TYPE}.${hostId}.${nodeId}.${depth}.${index}`\n childIdSplt = node.nodeValue.split('.');\n if (childIdSplt[1] === hostId || childIdSplt[1] === '0') {\n // comment node for either the host id or a 0 host id\n childNodeType = childIdSplt[0];\n childVNode = {\n $flags$: 0,\n $hostId$: childIdSplt[1],\n $nodeId$: childIdSplt[2],\n $depth$: childIdSplt[3],\n $index$: childIdSplt[4],\n $elm$: node,\n $attrs$: null,\n $children$: null,\n $key$: null,\n $name$: null,\n $tag$: null,\n $text$: null,\n };\n if (childNodeType === TEXT_NODE_ID) {\n childVNode.$elm$ = node.nextSibling;\n if (childVNode.$elm$ && childVNode.$elm$.nodeType === 3 /* NODE_TYPE.TextNode */) {\n childVNode.$text$ = childVNode.$elm$.textContent;\n childRenderNodes.push(childVNode);\n // remove the text comment since it's no longer needed\n node.remove();\n if (!parentVNode.$children$) {\n parentVNode.$children$ = [];\n }\n parentVNode.$children$[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode;\n if (shadowRootNodes && childVNode.$depth$ === '0') {\n shadowRootNodes[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode.$elm$;\n }\n }\n }\n else if (childVNode.$hostId$ === hostId) {\n // this comment node is specifically for this host id\n if (childNodeType === SLOT_NODE_ID) {\n // `${SLOT_NODE_ID}.${hostId}.${nodeId}.${depth}.${index}.${slotName}`;\n childVNode.$tag$ = 'slot';\n if (childIdSplt[5]) {\n node['s-sn'] = childVNode.$name$ = childIdSplt[5];\n }\n else {\n node['s-sn'] = '';\n }\n node['s-sr'] = true;\n if (BUILD.shadowDom && shadowRootNodes) {\n // browser support shadowRoot and this is a shadow dom component\n // create an actual slot element\n childVNode.$elm$ = doc.createElement(childVNode.$tag$);\n if (childVNode.$name$) {\n // add the slot name attribute\n childVNode.$elm$.setAttribute('name', childVNode.$name$);\n }\n // insert the new slot element before the slot comment\n node.parentNode.insertBefore(childVNode.$elm$, node);\n // remove the slot comment since it's not needed for shadow\n node.remove();\n if (childVNode.$depth$ === '0') {\n shadowRootNodes[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode.$elm$;\n }\n }\n slotNodes.push(childVNode);\n if (!parentVNode.$children$) {\n parentVNode.$children$ = [];\n }\n parentVNode.$children$[childVNode.$index$] = childVNode;\n }\n else if (childNodeType === CONTENT_REF_ID) {\n // `${CONTENT_REF_ID}.${hostId}`;\n if (BUILD.shadowDom && shadowRootNodes) {\n // remove the content ref comment since it's not needed for shadow\n node.remove();\n }\n else if (BUILD.slotRelocation) {\n hostElm['s-cr'] = node;\n node['s-cn'] = true;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n else if (parentVNode && parentVNode.$tag$ === 'style') {\n const vnode = newVNode(null, node.textContent);\n vnode.$elm$ = node;\n vnode.$index$ = '0';\n parentVNode.$children$ = [vnode];\n }\n};\nconst initializeDocumentHydrate = (node, orgLocNodes) => {\n if (node.nodeType === 1 /* NODE_TYPE.ElementNode */) {\n let i = 0;\n for (; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {\n initializeDocumentHydrate(node.childNodes[i], orgLocNodes);\n }\n if (node.shadowRoot) {\n for (i = 0; i < node.shadowRoot.childNodes.length; i++) {\n initializeDocumentHydrate(node.shadowRoot.childNodes[i], orgLocNodes);\n }\n }\n }\n else if (node.nodeType === 8 /* NODE_TYPE.CommentNode */) {\n const childIdSplt = node.nodeValue.split('.');\n if (childIdSplt[0] === ORG_LOCATION_ID) {\n orgLocNodes.set(childIdSplt[1] + '.' + childIdSplt[2], node);\n node.nodeValue = '';\n // useful to know if the original location is\n // the root light-dom of a shadow dom component\n node['s-en'] = childIdSplt[3];\n }\n }\n};\n// Private\nconst computeMode = (elm) => modeResolutionChain.map((h) => h(elm)).find((m) => !!m);\n// Public\nconst setMode = (handler) => modeResolutionChain.push(handler);\nconst getMode = (ref) => getHostRef(ref).$modeName$;\n/**\n * Parse a new property value for a given property type.\n *\n * While the prop value can reasonably be expected to be of `any` type as far as TypeScript's type checker is concerned,\n * it is not safe to assume that the string returned by evaluating `typeof propValue` matches:\n * 1. `any`, the type given to `propValue` in the function signature\n * 2. the type stored from `propType`.\n *\n * This function provides the capability to parse/coerce a property's value to potentially any other JavaScript type.\n *\n * Property values represented in TSX preserve their type information. In the example below, the number 0 is passed to\n * a component. This `propValue` will preserve its type information (`typeof propValue === 'number'`). Note that is\n * based on the type of the value being passed in, not the type declared of the class member decorated with `@Prop`.\n * ```tsx\n * \n * ```\n *\n * HTML prop values on the other hand, will always a string\n *\n * @param propValue the new value to coerce to some type\n * @param propType the type of the prop, expressed as a binary number\n * @returns the parsed/coerced value\n */\nconst parsePropertyValue = (propValue, propType) => {\n // ensure this value is of the correct prop type\n if (propValue != null && !isComplexType(propValue)) {\n if (BUILD.propBoolean && propType & 4 /* MEMBER_FLAGS.Boolean */) {\n // per the HTML spec, any string value means it is a boolean true value\n // but we'll cheat here and say that the string \"false\" is the boolean false\n return propValue === 'false' ? false : propValue === '' || !!propValue;\n }\n if (BUILD.propNumber && propType & 2 /* MEMBER_FLAGS.Number */) {\n // force it to be a number\n return parseFloat(propValue);\n }\n if (BUILD.propString && propType & 1 /* MEMBER_FLAGS.String */) {\n // could have been passed as a number or boolean\n // but we still want it as a string\n return String(propValue);\n }\n // redundant return here for better minification\n return propValue;\n }\n // not sure exactly what type we want\n // so no need to change to a different type\n return propValue;\n};\nconst getElement = (ref) => (BUILD.lazyLoad ? getHostRef(ref).$hostElement$ : ref);\nconst createEvent = (ref, name, flags) => {\n const elm = getElement(ref);\n return {\n emit: (detail) => {\n if (BUILD.isDev && !elm.isConnected) {\n consoleDevWarn(`The \"${name}\" event was emitted, but the dispatcher node is no longer connected to the dom.`);\n }\n return emitEvent(elm, name, {\n bubbles: !!(flags & 4 /* EVENT_FLAGS.Bubbles */),\n composed: !!(flags & 2 /* EVENT_FLAGS.Composed */),\n cancelable: !!(flags & 1 /* EVENT_FLAGS.Cancellable */),\n detail,\n });\n },\n };\n};\n/**\n * Helper function to create & dispatch a custom Event on a provided target\n * @param elm the target of the Event\n * @param name the name to give the custom Event\n * @param opts options for configuring a custom Event\n * @returns the custom Event\n */\nconst emitEvent = (elm, name, opts) => {\n const ev = plt.ce(name, opts);\n elm.dispatchEvent(ev);\n return ev;\n};\nconst rootAppliedStyles = /*@__PURE__*/ new WeakMap();\nconst registerStyle = (scopeId, cssText, allowCS) => {\n let style = styles.get(scopeId);\n if (supportsConstructableStylesheets && allowCS) {\n style = (style || new CSSStyleSheet());\n if (typeof style === 'string') {\n style = cssText;\n }\n else {\n style.replaceSync(cssText);\n }\n }\n else {\n style = cssText;\n }\n styles.set(scopeId, style);\n};\nconst addStyle = (styleContainerNode, cmpMeta, mode) => {\n var _a;\n const scopeId = getScopeId(cmpMeta, mode);\n const style = styles.get(scopeId);\n if (!BUILD.attachStyles) {\n return scopeId;\n }\n // if an element is NOT connected then getRootNode() will return the wrong root node\n // so the fallback is to always use the document for the root node in those cases\n styleContainerNode = styleContainerNode.nodeType === 11 /* NODE_TYPE.DocumentFragment */ ? styleContainerNode : doc;\n if (style) {\n if (typeof style === 'string') {\n styleContainerNode = styleContainerNode.head || styleContainerNode;\n let appliedStyles = rootAppliedStyles.get(styleContainerNode);\n let styleElm;\n if (!appliedStyles) {\n rootAppliedStyles.set(styleContainerNode, (appliedStyles = new Set()));\n }\n if (!appliedStyles.has(scopeId)) {\n if (BUILD.hydrateClientSide &&\n styleContainerNode.host &&\n (styleElm = styleContainerNode.querySelector(`[${HYDRATED_STYLE_ID}=\"${scopeId}\"]`))) {\n // This is only happening on native shadow-dom, do not needs CSS var shim\n styleElm.innerHTML = style;\n }\n else {\n styleElm = doc.createElement('style');\n styleElm.innerHTML = style;\n // Apply CSP nonce to the style tag if it exists\n const nonce = (_a = plt.$nonce$) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : queryNonceMetaTagContent(doc);\n if (nonce != null) {\n styleElm.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);\n }\n if (BUILD.hydrateServerSide || BUILD.hotModuleReplacement) {\n styleElm.setAttribute(HYDRATED_STYLE_ID, scopeId);\n }\n styleContainerNode.insertBefore(styleElm, styleContainerNode.querySelector('link'));\n }\n // Add styles for `slot-fb` elements if we're using slots outside the Shadow DOM\n if (cmpMeta.$flags$ & 4 /* CMP_FLAGS.hasSlotRelocation */) {\n styleElm.innerHTML += SLOT_FB_CSS;\n }\n if (appliedStyles) {\n appliedStyles.add(scopeId);\n }\n }\n }\n else if (BUILD.constructableCSS && !styleContainerNode.adoptedStyleSheets.includes(style)) {\n styleContainerNode.adoptedStyleSheets = [...styleContainerNode.adoptedStyleSheets, style];\n }\n }\n return scopeId;\n};\nconst attachStyles = (hostRef) => {\n const cmpMeta = hostRef.$cmpMeta$;\n const elm = hostRef.$hostElement$;\n const flags = cmpMeta.$flags$;\n const endAttachStyles = createTime('attachStyles', cmpMeta.$tagName$);\n const scopeId = addStyle(BUILD.shadowDom && supportsShadow && elm.shadowRoot ? elm.shadowRoot : elm.getRootNode(), cmpMeta, hostRef.$modeName$);\n if ((BUILD.shadowDom || BUILD.scoped) && BUILD.cssAnnotations && flags & 10 /* CMP_FLAGS.needsScopedEncapsulation */) {\n // only required when we're NOT using native shadow dom (slot)\n // or this browser doesn't support native shadow dom\n // and this host element was NOT created with SSR\n // let's pick out the inner content for slot projection\n // create a node to represent where the original\n // content was first placed, which is useful later on\n // DOM WRITE!!\n elm['s-sc'] = scopeId;\n elm.classList.add(scopeId + '-h');\n if (BUILD.scoped && flags & 2 /* CMP_FLAGS.scopedCssEncapsulation */) {\n elm.classList.add(scopeId + '-s');\n }\n }\n endAttachStyles();\n};\nconst getScopeId = (cmp, mode) => 'sc-' + (BUILD.mode && mode && cmp.$flags$ & 32 /* CMP_FLAGS.hasMode */ ? cmp.$tagName$ + '-' + mode : cmp.$tagName$);\nconst convertScopedToShadow = (css) => css.replace(/\\/\\*!@([^\\/]+)\\*\\/[^\\{]+\\{/g, '$1{');\n/**\n * Production setAccessor() function based on Preact by\n * Jason Miller (@developit)\n * Licensed under the MIT License\n * https://github.com/developit/preact/blob/master/LICENSE\n *\n * Modified for Stencil's compiler and vdom\n */\n/**\n * When running a VDom render set properties present on a VDom node onto the\n * corresponding HTML element.\n *\n * Note that this function has special functionality for the `class`,\n * `style`, `key`, and `ref` attributes, as well as event handlers (like\n * `onClick`, etc). All others are just passed through as-is.\n *\n * @param elm the HTMLElement onto which attributes should be set\n * @param memberName the name of the attribute to set\n * @param oldValue the old value for the attribute\n * @param newValue the new value for the attribute\n * @param isSvg whether we're in an svg context or not\n * @param flags bitflags for Vdom variables\n */\nconst setAccessor = (elm, memberName, oldValue, newValue, isSvg, flags) => {\n if (oldValue !== newValue) {\n let isProp = isMemberInElement(elm, memberName);\n let ln = memberName.toLowerCase();\n if (BUILD.vdomClass && memberName === 'class') {\n const classList = elm.classList;\n const oldClasses = parseClassList(oldValue);\n const newClasses = parseClassList(newValue);\n classList.remove(...oldClasses.filter((c) => c && !newClasses.includes(c)));\n classList.add(...newClasses.filter((c) => c && !oldClasses.includes(c)));\n }\n else if (BUILD.vdomStyle && memberName === 'style') {\n // update style attribute, css properties and values\n if (BUILD.updatable) {\n for (const prop in oldValue) {\n if (!newValue || newValue[prop] == null) {\n if (!BUILD.hydrateServerSide && prop.includes('-')) {\n elm.style.removeProperty(prop);\n }\n else {\n elm.style[prop] = '';\n }\n }\n }\n }\n for (const prop in newValue) {\n if (!oldValue || newValue[prop] !== oldValue[prop]) {\n if (!BUILD.hydrateServerSide && prop.includes('-')) {\n elm.style.setProperty(prop, newValue[prop]);\n }\n else {\n elm.style[prop] = newValue[prop];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n else if (BUILD.vdomKey && memberName === 'key')\n ;\n else if (BUILD.vdomRef && memberName === 'ref') {\n // minifier will clean this up\n if (newValue) {\n newValue(elm);\n }\n }\n else if (BUILD.vdomListener &&\n (BUILD.lazyLoad ? !isProp : !elm.__lookupSetter__(memberName)) &&\n memberName[0] === 'o' &&\n memberName[1] === 'n') {\n // Event Handlers\n // so if the member name starts with \"on\" and the 3rd characters is\n // a capital letter, and it's not already a member on the element,\n // then we're assuming it's an event listener\n if (memberName[2] === '-') {\n // on- prefixed events\n // allows to be explicit about the dom event to listen without any magic\n // under the hood:\n // // listens for \"click\"\n // // listens for \"Click\"\n // // listens for \"ionChange\"\n // // listens for \"EVENTS\"\n memberName = memberName.slice(3);\n }\n else if (isMemberInElement(win, ln)) {\n // standard event\n // the JSX attribute could have been \"onMouseOver\" and the\n // member name \"onmouseover\" is on the window's prototype\n // so let's add the listener \"mouseover\", which is all lowercased\n memberName = ln.slice(2);\n }\n else {\n // custom event\n // the JSX attribute could have been \"onMyCustomEvent\"\n // so let's trim off the \"on\" prefix and lowercase the first character\n // and add the listener \"myCustomEvent\"\n // except for the first character, we keep the event name case\n memberName = ln[2] + memberName.slice(3);\n }\n if (oldValue || newValue) {\n // Need to account for \"capture\" events.\n // If the event name ends with \"Capture\", we'll update the name to remove\n // the \"Capture\" suffix and make sure the event listener is setup to handle the capture event.\n const capture = memberName.endsWith(CAPTURE_EVENT_SUFFIX);\n // Make sure we only replace the last instance of \"Capture\"\n memberName = memberName.replace(CAPTURE_EVENT_REGEX, '');\n if (oldValue) {\n plt.rel(elm, memberName, oldValue, capture);\n }\n if (newValue) {\n plt.ael(elm, memberName, newValue, capture);\n }\n }\n }\n else if (BUILD.vdomPropOrAttr) {\n // Set property if it exists and it's not a SVG\n const isComplex = isComplexType(newValue);\n if ((isProp || (isComplex && newValue !== null)) && !isSvg) {\n try {\n if (!elm.tagName.includes('-')) {\n const n = newValue == null ? '' : newValue;\n // Workaround for Safari, moving the caret when re-assigning the same valued\n if (memberName === 'list') {\n isProp = false;\n }\n else if (oldValue == null || elm[memberName] != n) {\n elm[memberName] = n;\n }\n }\n else {\n elm[memberName] = newValue;\n }\n }\n catch (e) { }\n }\n /**\n * Need to manually update attribute if:\n * - memberName is not an attribute\n * - if we are rendering the host element in order to reflect attribute\n * - if it's a SVG, since properties might not work in \n * - if the newValue is null/undefined or 'false'.\n */\n let xlink = false;\n if (BUILD.vdomXlink) {\n if (ln !== (ln = ln.replace(/^xlink\\:?/, ''))) {\n memberName = ln;\n xlink = true;\n }\n }\n if (newValue == null || newValue === false) {\n if (newValue !== false || elm.getAttribute(memberName) === '') {\n if (BUILD.vdomXlink && xlink) {\n elm.removeAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, memberName);\n }\n else {\n elm.removeAttribute(memberName);\n }\n }\n }\n else if ((!isProp || flags & 4 /* VNODE_FLAGS.isHost */ || isSvg) && !isComplex) {\n newValue = newValue === true ? '' : newValue;\n if (BUILD.vdomXlink && xlink) {\n elm.setAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, memberName, newValue);\n }\n else {\n elm.setAttribute(memberName, newValue);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\nconst parseClassListRegex = /\\s/;\nconst parseClassList = (value) => (!value ? [] : value.split(parseClassListRegex));\nconst CAPTURE_EVENT_SUFFIX = 'Capture';\nconst CAPTURE_EVENT_REGEX = new RegExp(CAPTURE_EVENT_SUFFIX + '$');\nconst updateElement = (oldVnode, newVnode, isSvgMode, memberName) => {\n // if the element passed in is a shadow root, which is a document fragment\n // then we want to be adding attrs/props to the shadow root's \"host\" element\n // if it's not a shadow root, then we add attrs/props to the same element\n const elm = newVnode.$elm$.nodeType === 11 /* NODE_TYPE.DocumentFragment */ && newVnode.$elm$.host\n ? newVnode.$elm$.host\n : newVnode.$elm$;\n const oldVnodeAttrs = (oldVnode && oldVnode.$attrs$) || EMPTY_OBJ;\n const newVnodeAttrs = newVnode.$attrs$ || EMPTY_OBJ;\n if (BUILD.updatable) {\n // remove attributes no longer present on the vnode by setting them to undefined\n for (memberName in oldVnodeAttrs) {\n if (!(memberName in newVnodeAttrs)) {\n setAccessor(elm, memberName, oldVnodeAttrs[memberName], undefined, isSvgMode, newVnode.$flags$);\n }\n }\n }\n // add new & update changed attributes\n for (memberName in newVnodeAttrs) {\n setAccessor(elm, memberName, oldVnodeAttrs[memberName], newVnodeAttrs[memberName], isSvgMode, newVnode.$flags$);\n }\n};\n/**\n * Create a DOM Node corresponding to one of the children of a given VNode.\n *\n * @param oldParentVNode the parent VNode from the previous render\n * @param newParentVNode the parent VNode from the current render\n * @param childIndex the index of the VNode, in the _new_ parent node's\n * children, for which we will create a new DOM node\n * @param parentElm the parent DOM node which our new node will be a child of\n * @returns the newly created node\n */\nconst createElm = (oldParentVNode, newParentVNode, childIndex, parentElm) => {\n var _a;\n // tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-const\n const newVNode = newParentVNode.$children$[childIndex];\n let i = 0;\n let elm;\n let childNode;\n let oldVNode;\n if (BUILD.slotRelocation && !useNativeShadowDom) {\n // remember for later we need to check to relocate nodes\n checkSlotRelocate = true;\n if (newVNode.$tag$ === 'slot') {\n if (scopeId) {\n // scoped css needs to add its scoped id to the parent element\n parentElm.classList.add(scopeId + '-s');\n }\n newVNode.$flags$ |= newVNode.$children$\n ? // slot element has fallback content\n 2 /* VNODE_FLAGS.isSlotFallback */\n : // slot element does not have fallback content\n 1 /* VNODE_FLAGS.isSlotReference */;\n }\n }\n if (BUILD.isDev && newVNode.$elm$) {\n consoleDevError(`The JSX ${newVNode.$text$ !== null ? `\"${newVNode.$text$}\" text` : `\"${newVNode.$tag$}\" element`} node should not be shared within the same renderer. The renderer caches element lookups in order to improve performance. However, a side effect from this is that the exact same JSX node should not be reused. For more information please see https://stenciljs.com/docs/templating-jsx#avoid-shared-jsx-nodes`);\n }\n if (BUILD.vdomText && newVNode.$text$ !== null) {\n // create text node\n elm = newVNode.$elm$ = doc.createTextNode(newVNode.$text$);\n }\n else if (BUILD.slotRelocation && newVNode.$flags$ & 1 /* VNODE_FLAGS.isSlotReference */) {\n // create a slot reference node\n elm = newVNode.$elm$ =\n BUILD.isDebug || BUILD.hydrateServerSide ? slotReferenceDebugNode(newVNode) : doc.createTextNode('');\n }\n else {\n if (BUILD.svg && !isSvgMode) {\n isSvgMode = newVNode.$tag$ === 'svg';\n }\n // create element\n elm = newVNode.$elm$ = (BUILD.svg\n ? doc.createElementNS(isSvgMode ? SVG_NS : HTML_NS, BUILD.slotRelocation && newVNode.$flags$ & 2 /* VNODE_FLAGS.isSlotFallback */\n ? 'slot-fb'\n : newVNode.$tag$)\n : doc.createElement(BUILD.slotRelocation && newVNode.$flags$ & 2 /* VNODE_FLAGS.isSlotFallback */\n ? 'slot-fb'\n : newVNode.$tag$));\n if (BUILD.svg && isSvgMode && newVNode.$tag$ === 'foreignObject') {\n isSvgMode = false;\n }\n // add css classes, attrs, props, listeners, etc.\n if (BUILD.vdomAttribute) {\n updateElement(null, newVNode, isSvgMode);\n }\n if ((BUILD.shadowDom || BUILD.scoped) && isDef(scopeId) && elm['s-si'] !== scopeId) {\n // if there is a scopeId and this is the initial render\n // then let's add the scopeId as a css class\n elm.classList.add((elm['s-si'] = scopeId));\n }\n if (newVNode.$children$) {\n for (i = 0; i < newVNode.$children$.length; ++i) {\n // create the node\n childNode = createElm(oldParentVNode, newVNode, i, elm);\n // return node could have been null\n if (childNode) {\n // append our new node\n elm.appendChild(childNode);\n }\n }\n }\n if (BUILD.svg) {\n if (newVNode.$tag$ === 'svg') {\n // Only reset the SVG context when we're exiting element\n isSvgMode = false;\n }\n else if (elm.tagName === 'foreignObject') {\n // Reenter SVG context when we're exiting element\n isSvgMode = true;\n }\n }\n }\n if (BUILD.slotRelocation) {\n elm['s-hn'] = hostTagName;\n if (newVNode.$flags$ & (2 /* VNODE_FLAGS.isSlotFallback */ | 1 /* VNODE_FLAGS.isSlotReference */)) {\n // remember the content reference comment\n elm['s-sr'] = true;\n // Persist the name of the slot that this slot was going to be projected into.\n elm['s-fs'] = (_a = newVNode.$attrs$) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.slot;\n // remember the content reference comment\n elm['s-cr'] = contentRef;\n // remember the slot name, or empty string for default slot\n elm['s-sn'] = newVNode.$name$ || '';\n // check if we've got an old vnode for this slot\n oldVNode = oldParentVNode && oldParentVNode.$children$ && oldParentVNode.$children$[childIndex];\n if (oldVNode && oldVNode.$tag$ === newVNode.$tag$ && oldParentVNode.$elm$) {\n // we've got an old slot vnode and the wrapper is being replaced\n // so let's move the old slot content back to it's original location\n putBackInOriginalLocation(oldParentVNode.$elm$, false);\n }\n }\n }\n return elm;\n};\nconst putBackInOriginalLocation = (parentElm, recursive) => {\n var _a;\n plt.$flags$ |= 1 /* PLATFORM_FLAGS.isTmpDisconnected */;\n const oldSlotChildNodes = parentElm.childNodes;\n for (let i = oldSlotChildNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n const childNode = oldSlotChildNodes[i];\n if (childNode['s-hn'] !== hostTagName && childNode['s-ol']) {\n // // this child node in the old element is from another component\n // // remove this node from the old slot's parent\n // childNode.remove();\n // and relocate it back to it's original location\n parentReferenceNode(childNode).insertBefore(childNode, referenceNode(childNode));\n // remove the old original location comment entirely\n // later on the patch function will know what to do\n // and move this to the correct spot if need be\n childNode['s-ol'].remove();\n childNode['s-ol'] = undefined;\n // Reset so we can correctly move the node around again.\n childNode['s-sh'] = undefined;\n // When putting an element node back in its original location,\n // we need to reset the `slot` attribute back to the value it originally had\n // so we can correctly relocate it again in the future\n if (childNode.nodeType === 1 /* NODE_TYPE.ElementNode */) {\n childNode.setAttribute('slot', (_a = childNode['s-sn']) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '');\n }\n checkSlotRelocate = true;\n }\n if (recursive) {\n putBackInOriginalLocation(childNode, recursive);\n }\n }\n plt.$flags$ &= ~1 /* PLATFORM_FLAGS.isTmpDisconnected */;\n};\n/**\n * Create DOM nodes corresponding to a list of {@link d.Vnode} objects and\n * add them to the DOM in the appropriate place.\n *\n * @param parentElm the DOM node which should be used as a parent for the new\n * DOM nodes\n * @param before a child of the `parentElm` which the new children should be\n * inserted before (optional)\n * @param parentVNode the parent virtual DOM node\n * @param vnodes the new child virtual DOM nodes to produce DOM nodes for\n * @param startIdx the index in the child virtual DOM nodes at which to start\n * creating DOM nodes (inclusive)\n * @param endIdx the index in the child virtual DOM nodes at which to stop\n * creating DOM nodes (inclusive)\n */\nconst addVnodes = (parentElm, before, parentVNode, vnodes, startIdx, endIdx) => {\n let containerElm = ((BUILD.slotRelocation && parentElm['s-cr'] && parentElm['s-cr'].parentNode) || parentElm);\n let childNode;\n if (BUILD.shadowDom && containerElm.shadowRoot && containerElm.tagName === hostTagName) {\n containerElm = containerElm.shadowRoot;\n }\n for (; startIdx <= endIdx; ++startIdx) {\n if (vnodes[startIdx]) {\n childNode = createElm(null, parentVNode, startIdx, parentElm);\n if (childNode) {\n vnodes[startIdx].$elm$ = childNode;\n containerElm.insertBefore(childNode, BUILD.slotRelocation ? referenceNode(before) : before);\n }\n }\n }\n};\n/**\n * Remove the DOM elements corresponding to a list of {@link d.VNode} objects.\n * This can be used to, for instance, clean up after a list of children which\n * should no longer be shown.\n *\n * This function also handles some of Stencil's slot relocation logic.\n *\n * @param vnodes a list of virtual DOM nodes to remove\n * @param startIdx the index at which to start removing nodes (inclusive)\n * @param endIdx the index at which to stop removing nodes (inclusive)\n */\nconst removeVnodes = (vnodes, startIdx, endIdx) => {\n for (let index = startIdx; index <= endIdx; ++index) {\n const vnode = vnodes[index];\n if (vnode) {\n const elm = vnode.$elm$;\n nullifyVNodeRefs(vnode);\n if (elm) {\n if (BUILD.slotRelocation) {\n // we're removing this element\n // so it's possible we need to show slot fallback content now\n checkSlotFallbackVisibility = true;\n if (elm['s-ol']) {\n // remove the original location comment\n elm['s-ol'].remove();\n }\n else {\n // it's possible that child nodes of the node\n // that's being removed are slot nodes\n putBackInOriginalLocation(elm, true);\n }\n }\n // remove the vnode's element from the dom\n elm.remove();\n }\n }\n }\n};\n/**\n * Reconcile the children of a new VNode with the children of an old VNode by\n * traversing the two collections of children, identifying nodes that are\n * conserved or changed, calling out to `patch` to make any necessary\n * updates to the DOM, and rearranging DOM nodes as needed.\n *\n * The algorithm for reconciling children works by analyzing two 'windows' onto\n * the two arrays of children (`oldCh` and `newCh`). We keep track of the\n * 'windows' by storing start and end indices and references to the\n * corresponding array entries. Initially the two 'windows' are basically equal\n * to the entire array, but we progressively narrow the windows until there are\n * no children left to update by doing the following:\n *\n * 1. Skip any `null` entries at the beginning or end of the two arrays, so\n * that if we have an initial array like the following we'll end up dealing\n * only with a window bounded by the highlighted elements:\n *\n * [null, null, VNode1 , ... , VNode2, null, null]\n * ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^\n *\n * 2. Check to see if the elements at the head and tail positions are equal\n * across the windows. This will basically detect elements which haven't\n * been added, removed, or changed position, i.e. if you had the following\n * VNode elements (represented as HTML):\n *\n * oldVNode: `


`\n * newVNode: `


`\n *\n * Then when comparing the children of the `
` tag we check the equality\n * of the VNodes corresponding to the `

` tags and, since they are the\n * same tag in the same position, we'd be able to avoid completely\n * re-rendering the subtree under them with a new DOM element and would just\n * call out to `patch` to handle reconciling their children and so on.\n *\n * 3. Check, for both windows, to see if the element at the beginning of the\n * window corresponds to the element at the end of the other window. This is\n * a heuristic which will let us identify _some_ situations in which\n * elements have changed position, for instance it _should_ detect that the\n * children nodes themselves have not changed but merely moved in the\n * following example:\n *\n * oldVNode: `

`\n * newVNode: `
`\n *\n * If we find cases like this then we also need to move the concrete DOM\n * elements corresponding to the moved children to write the re-order to the\n * DOM.\n *\n * 4. Finally, if VNodes have the `key` attribute set on them we check for any\n * nodes in the old children which have the same key as the first element in\n * our window on the new children. If we find such a node we handle calling\n * out to `patch`, moving relevant DOM nodes, and so on, in accordance with\n * what we find.\n *\n * Finally, once we've narrowed our 'windows' to the point that either of them\n * collapse (i.e. they have length 0) we then handle any remaining VNode\n * insertion or deletion that needs to happen to get a DOM state that correctly\n * reflects the new child VNodes. If, for instance, after our window on the old\n * children has collapsed we still have more nodes on the new children that\n * we haven't dealt with yet then we need to add them, or if the new children\n * collapse but we still have unhandled _old_ children then we need to make\n * sure the corresponding DOM nodes are removed.\n *\n * @param parentElm the node into which the parent VNode is rendered\n * @param oldCh the old children of the parent node\n * @param newVNode the new VNode which will replace the parent\n * @param newCh the new children of the parent node\n */\nconst updateChildren = (parentElm, oldCh, newVNode, newCh) => {\n let oldStartIdx = 0;\n let newStartIdx = 0;\n let idxInOld = 0;\n let i = 0;\n let oldEndIdx = oldCh.length - 1;\n let oldStartVnode = oldCh[0];\n let oldEndVnode = oldCh[oldEndIdx];\n let newEndIdx = newCh.length - 1;\n let newStartVnode = newCh[0];\n let newEndVnode = newCh[newEndIdx];\n let node;\n let elmToMove;\n while (oldStartIdx <= oldEndIdx && newStartIdx <= newEndIdx) {\n if (oldStartVnode == null) {\n // VNode might have been moved left\n oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx];\n }\n else if (oldEndVnode == null) {\n oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];\n }\n else if (newStartVnode == null) {\n newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];\n }\n else if (newEndVnode == null) {\n newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx];\n }\n else if (isSameVnode(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode)) {\n // if the start nodes are the same then we should patch the new VNode\n // onto the old one, and increment our `newStartIdx` and `oldStartIdx`\n // indices to reflect that. We don't need to move any DOM Nodes around\n // since things are matched up in order.\n patch(oldStartVnode, newStartVnode);\n oldStartVnode = oldCh[++oldStartIdx];\n newStartVnode = newCh[++newStartIdx];\n }\n else if (isSameVnode(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode)) {\n // likewise, if the end nodes are the same we patch new onto old and\n // decrement our end indices, and also likewise in this case we don't\n // need to move any DOM Nodes.\n patch(oldEndVnode, newEndVnode);\n oldEndVnode = oldCh[--oldEndIdx];\n newEndVnode = newCh[--newEndIdx];\n }\n else if (isSameVnode(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode)) {\n // case: \"Vnode moved right\"\n //\n // We've found that the last node in our window on the new children is\n // the same VNode as the _first_ node in our window on the old children\n // we're dealing with now. Visually, this is the layout of these two\n // nodes:\n //\n // newCh: [..., newStartVnode , ... , newEndVnode , ...]\n // ^^^^^^^^^^^\n // oldCh: [..., oldStartVnode , ... , oldEndVnode , ...]\n // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n //\n // In this situation we need to patch `newEndVnode` onto `oldStartVnode`\n // and move the DOM element for `oldStartVnode`.\n if (BUILD.slotRelocation && (oldStartVnode.$tag$ === 'slot' || newEndVnode.$tag$ === 'slot')) {\n putBackInOriginalLocation(oldStartVnode.$elm$.parentNode, false);\n }\n patch(oldStartVnode, newEndVnode);\n // We need to move the element for `oldStartVnode` into a position which\n // will be appropriate for `newEndVnode`. For this we can use\n // `.insertBefore` and `oldEndVnode.$elm$.nextSibling`. If there is a\n // sibling for `oldEndVnode.$elm$` then we want to move the DOM node for\n // `oldStartVnode` between `oldEndVnode` and it's sibling, like so:\n //\n // \n // \n // \n // \n // \n // \n // ```\n // In this case if we do not un-shadow here and use the value of the shadowing property, attributeChangedCallback\n // will be called with `newValue = \"some-value\"` and will set the shadowed property (this.someAttribute = \"another-value\")\n // to the value that was set inline i.e. \"some-value\" from above example. When\n // the connectedCallback attempts to un-shadow it will use \"some-value\" as the initial value rather than \"another-value\"\n //\n // The case where the attribute was NOT set inline but was not set programmatically shall be handled/un-shadowed\n // by connectedCallback as this attributeChangedCallback will not fire.\n //\n // https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/web-components/best-practices#lazy-properties\n //\n // TODO(STENCIL-16) we should think about whether or not we actually want to be reflecting the attributes to\n // properties here given that this goes against best practices outlined here\n // https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/web-components/best-practices#avoid-reentrancy\n if (this.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n newValue = this[propName];\n delete this[propName];\n }\n else if (prototype.hasOwnProperty(propName) &&\n typeof this[propName] === 'number' &&\n this[propName] == newValue) {\n // if the propName exists on the prototype of `Cstr`, this update may be a result of Stencil using native\n // APIs to reflect props as attributes. Calls to `setAttribute(someElement, propName)` will result in\n // `propName` to be converted to a `DOMString`, which may not be what we want for other primitive props.\n return;\n }\n else if (propName == null) {\n // At this point we should know this is not a \"member\", so we can treat it like watching an attribute\n // on a vanilla web component\n const hostRef = getHostRef(this);\n const flags = hostRef === null || hostRef === void 0 ? void 0 : hostRef.$flags$;\n // We only want to trigger the callback(s) if:\n // 1. The instance is ready\n // 2. The watchers are ready\n // 3. The value has changed\n if (!(flags & 8 /* HOST_FLAGS.isConstructingInstance */) &&\n flags & 128 /* HOST_FLAGS.isWatchReady */ &&\n newValue !== oldValue) {\n const elm = BUILD.lazyLoad ? hostRef.$hostElement$ : this;\n const instance = BUILD.lazyLoad ? hostRef.$lazyInstance$ : elm;\n const entry = cmpMeta.$watchers$[attrName];\n entry === null || entry === void 0 ? void 0 : entry.forEach((callbackName) => {\n if (instance[callbackName] != null) {\n instance[callbackName].call(instance, newValue, oldValue, attrName);\n }\n });\n }\n return;\n }\n this[propName] = newValue === null && typeof this[propName] === 'boolean' ? false : newValue;\n });\n };\n // Create an array of attributes to observe\n // This list in comprised of all strings used within a `@Watch()` decorator\n // on a component as well as any Stencil-specific \"members\" (`@Prop()`s and `@State()`s).\n // As such, there is no way to guarantee type-safety here that a user hasn't entered\n // an invalid attribute.\n Cstr.observedAttributes = Array.from(new Set([\n ...Object.keys((_a = cmpMeta.$watchers$) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}),\n ...members\n .filter(([_, m]) => m[0] & 15 /* MEMBER_FLAGS.HasAttribute */)\n .map(([propName, m]) => {\n const attrName = m[1] || propName;\n attrNameToPropName.set(attrName, propName);\n if (BUILD.reflect && m[0] & 512 /* MEMBER_FLAGS.ReflectAttr */) {\n cmpMeta.$attrsToReflect$.push([propName, attrName]);\n }\n return attrName;\n }),\n ]));\n }\n }\n return Cstr;\n};\n/**\n * Initialize a Stencil component given a reference to its host element, its\n * runtime bookkeeping data structure, runtime metadata about the component,\n * and (optionally) an HMR version ID.\n *\n * @param elm a host element\n * @param hostRef the element's runtime bookkeeping object\n * @param cmpMeta runtime metadata for the Stencil component\n * @param hmrVersionId an (optional) HMR version ID\n */\nconst initializeComponent = async (elm, hostRef, cmpMeta, hmrVersionId) => {\n let Cstr;\n // initializeComponent\n if ((hostRef.$flags$ & 32 /* HOST_FLAGS.hasInitializedComponent */) === 0) {\n // Let the runtime know that the component has been initialized\n hostRef.$flags$ |= 32 /* HOST_FLAGS.hasInitializedComponent */;\n if (BUILD.lazyLoad || BUILD.hydrateClientSide) {\n // lazy loaded components\n // request the component's implementation to be\n // wired up with the host element\n Cstr = loadModule(cmpMeta, hostRef, hmrVersionId);\n if (Cstr.then) {\n // Await creates a micro-task avoid if possible\n const endLoad = uniqueTime(`st:load:${cmpMeta.$tagName$}:${hostRef.$modeName$}`, `[Stencil] Load module for <${cmpMeta.$tagName$}>`);\n Cstr = await Cstr;\n endLoad();\n }\n if ((BUILD.isDev || BUILD.isDebug) && !Cstr) {\n throw new Error(`Constructor for \"${cmpMeta.$tagName$}#${hostRef.$modeName$}\" was not found`);\n }\n if (BUILD.member && !Cstr.isProxied) {\n // we've never proxied this Constructor before\n // let's add the getters/setters to its prototype before\n // the first time we create an instance of the implementation\n if (BUILD.watchCallback) {\n cmpMeta.$watchers$ = Cstr.watchers;\n }\n proxyComponent(Cstr, cmpMeta, 2 /* PROXY_FLAGS.proxyState */);\n Cstr.isProxied = true;\n }\n const endNewInstance = createTime('createInstance', cmpMeta.$tagName$);\n // ok, time to construct the instance\n // but let's keep track of when we start and stop\n // so that the getters/setters don't incorrectly step on data\n if (BUILD.member) {\n hostRef.$flags$ |= 8 /* HOST_FLAGS.isConstructingInstance */;\n }\n // construct the lazy-loaded component implementation\n // passing the hostRef is very important during\n // construction in order to directly wire together the\n // host element and the lazy-loaded instance\n try {\n new Cstr(hostRef);\n }\n catch (e) {\n consoleError(e);\n }\n if (BUILD.member) {\n hostRef.$flags$ &= ~8 /* HOST_FLAGS.isConstructingInstance */;\n }\n if (BUILD.watchCallback) {\n hostRef.$flags$ |= 128 /* HOST_FLAGS.isWatchReady */;\n }\n endNewInstance();\n fireConnectedCallback(hostRef.$lazyInstance$);\n }\n else {\n // sync constructor component\n Cstr = elm.constructor;\n // wait for the CustomElementRegistry to mark the component as ready before setting `isWatchReady`. Otherwise,\n // watchers may fire prematurely if `customElements.get()`/`customElements.whenDefined()` resolves _before_\n // Stencil has completed instantiating the component.\n customElements.whenDefined(cmpMeta.$tagName$).then(() => (hostRef.$flags$ |= 128 /* HOST_FLAGS.isWatchReady */));\n }\n if (BUILD.style && Cstr.style) {\n // this component has styles but we haven't registered them yet\n let style = Cstr.style;\n if (BUILD.mode && typeof style !== 'string') {\n style = style[(hostRef.$modeName$ = computeMode(elm))];\n if (BUILD.hydrateServerSide && hostRef.$modeName$) {\n elm.setAttribute('s-mode', hostRef.$modeName$);\n }\n }\n const scopeId = getScopeId(cmpMeta, hostRef.$modeName$);\n if (!styles.has(scopeId)) {\n const endRegisterStyles = createTime('registerStyles', cmpMeta.$tagName$);\n if (!BUILD.hydrateServerSide &&\n BUILD.shadowDom &&\n // TODO(STENCIL-854): Remove code related to legacy shadowDomShim field\n BUILD.shadowDomShim &&\n cmpMeta.$flags$ & 8 /* CMP_FLAGS.needsShadowDomShim */) {\n style = await import('./shadow-css.js').then((m) => m.scopeCss(style, scopeId, false));\n }\n registerStyle(scopeId, style, !!(cmpMeta.$flags$ & 1 /* CMP_FLAGS.shadowDomEncapsulation */));\n endRegisterStyles();\n }\n }\n }\n // we've successfully created a lazy instance\n const ancestorComponent = hostRef.$ancestorComponent$;\n const schedule = () => scheduleUpdate(hostRef, true);\n if (BUILD.asyncLoading && ancestorComponent && ancestorComponent['s-rc']) {\n // this is the initial load and this component it has an ancestor component\n // but the ancestor component has NOT fired its will update lifecycle yet\n // so let's just cool our jets and wait for the ancestor to continue first\n // this will get fired off when the ancestor component\n // finally gets around to rendering its lazy self\n // fire off the initial update\n ancestorComponent['s-rc'].push(schedule);\n }\n else {\n schedule();\n }\n};\nconst fireConnectedCallback = (instance) => {\n if (BUILD.lazyLoad && BUILD.connectedCallback) {\n safeCall(instance, 'connectedCallback');\n }\n};\nconst connectedCallback = (elm) => {\n if ((plt.$flags$ & 1 /* PLATFORM_FLAGS.isTmpDisconnected */) === 0) {\n const hostRef = getHostRef(elm);\n const cmpMeta = hostRef.$cmpMeta$;\n const endConnected = createTime('connectedCallback', cmpMeta.$tagName$);\n if (BUILD.hostListenerTargetParent) {\n // only run if we have listeners being attached to a parent\n addHostEventListeners(elm, hostRef, cmpMeta.$listeners$, true);\n }\n if (!(hostRef.$flags$ & 1 /* HOST_FLAGS.hasConnected */)) {\n // first time this component has connected\n hostRef.$flags$ |= 1 /* HOST_FLAGS.hasConnected */;\n let hostId;\n if (BUILD.hydrateClientSide) {\n hostId = elm.getAttribute(HYDRATE_ID);\n if (hostId) {\n if (BUILD.shadowDom && supportsShadow && cmpMeta.$flags$ & 1 /* CMP_FLAGS.shadowDomEncapsulation */) {\n const scopeId = BUILD.mode\n ? addStyle(elm.shadowRoot, cmpMeta, elm.getAttribute('s-mode'))\n : addStyle(elm.shadowRoot, cmpMeta);\n elm.classList.remove(scopeId + '-h', scopeId + '-s');\n }\n initializeClientHydrate(elm, cmpMeta.$tagName$, hostId, hostRef);\n }\n }\n if (BUILD.slotRelocation && !hostId) {\n // initUpdate\n // if the slot polyfill is required we'll need to put some nodes\n // in here to act as original content anchors as we move nodes around\n // host element has been connected to the DOM\n if (BUILD.hydrateServerSide ||\n ((BUILD.slot || BUILD.shadowDom) &&\n // TODO(STENCIL-854): Remove code related to legacy shadowDomShim field\n cmpMeta.$flags$ & (4 /* CMP_FLAGS.hasSlotRelocation */ | 8 /* CMP_FLAGS.needsShadowDomShim */))) {\n setContentReference(elm);\n }\n }\n if (BUILD.asyncLoading) {\n // find the first ancestor component (if there is one) and register\n // this component as one of the actively loading child components for its ancestor\n let ancestorComponent = elm;\n while ((ancestorComponent = ancestorComponent.parentNode || ancestorComponent.host)) {\n // climb up the ancestors looking for the first\n // component that hasn't finished its lifecycle update yet\n if ((BUILD.hydrateClientSide &&\n ancestorComponent.nodeType === 1 /* NODE_TYPE.ElementNode */ &&\n ancestorComponent.hasAttribute('s-id') &&\n ancestorComponent['s-p']) ||\n ancestorComponent['s-p']) {\n // we found this components first ancestor component\n // keep a reference to this component's ancestor component\n attachToAncestor(hostRef, (hostRef.$ancestorComponent$ = ancestorComponent));\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n // Lazy properties\n // https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/web-components/best-practices#lazy-properties\n if (BUILD.prop && !BUILD.hydrateServerSide && cmpMeta.$members$) {\n Object.entries(cmpMeta.$members$).map(([memberName, [memberFlags]]) => {\n if (memberFlags & 31 /* MEMBER_FLAGS.Prop */ && elm.hasOwnProperty(memberName)) {\n const value = elm[memberName];\n delete elm[memberName];\n elm[memberName] = value;\n }\n });\n }\n if (BUILD.initializeNextTick) {\n // connectedCallback, taskQueue, initialLoad\n // angular sets attribute AFTER connectCallback\n // https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/18909\n // https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/19940\n nextTick(() => initializeComponent(elm, hostRef, cmpMeta));\n }\n else {\n initializeComponent(elm, hostRef, cmpMeta);\n }\n }\n else {\n // not the first time this has connected\n // reattach any event listeners to the host\n // since they would have been removed when disconnected\n addHostEventListeners(elm, hostRef, cmpMeta.$listeners$, false);\n // fire off connectedCallback() on component instance\n if (hostRef === null || hostRef === void 0 ? void 0 : hostRef.$lazyInstance$) {\n fireConnectedCallback(hostRef.$lazyInstance$);\n }\n else if (hostRef === null || hostRef === void 0 ? void 0 : hostRef.$onReadyPromise$) {\n hostRef.$onReadyPromise$.then(() => fireConnectedCallback(hostRef.$lazyInstance$));\n }\n }\n endConnected();\n }\n};\nconst setContentReference = (elm) => {\n // only required when we're NOT using native shadow dom (slot)\n // or this browser doesn't support native shadow dom\n // and this host element was NOT created with SSR\n // let's pick out the inner content for slot projection\n // create a node to represent where the original\n // content was first placed, which is useful later on\n const contentRefElm = (elm['s-cr'] = doc.createComment(BUILD.isDebug ? `content-ref (host=${elm.localName})` : ''));\n contentRefElm['s-cn'] = true;\n elm.insertBefore(contentRefElm, elm.firstChild);\n};\nconst disconnectInstance = (instance) => {\n if (BUILD.lazyLoad && BUILD.disconnectedCallback) {\n safeCall(instance, 'disconnectedCallback');\n }\n if (BUILD.cmpDidUnload) {\n safeCall(instance, 'componentDidUnload');\n }\n};\nconst disconnectedCallback = async (elm) => {\n if ((plt.$flags$ & 1 /* PLATFORM_FLAGS.isTmpDisconnected */) === 0) {\n const hostRef = getHostRef(elm);\n if (BUILD.hostListener) {\n if (hostRef.$rmListeners$) {\n hostRef.$rmListeners$.map((rmListener) => rmListener());\n hostRef.$rmListeners$ = undefined;\n }\n }\n if (!BUILD.lazyLoad) {\n disconnectInstance(elm);\n }\n else if (hostRef === null || hostRef === void 0 ? void 0 : hostRef.$lazyInstance$) {\n disconnectInstance(hostRef.$lazyInstance$);\n }\n else if (hostRef === null || hostRef === void 0 ? void 0 : hostRef.$onReadyPromise$) {\n hostRef.$onReadyPromise$.then(() => disconnectInstance(hostRef.$lazyInstance$));\n }\n }\n};\nconst patchPseudoShadowDom = (hostElementPrototype, descriptorPrototype) => {\n patchCloneNode(hostElementPrototype);\n patchSlotAppendChild(hostElementPrototype);\n patchSlotAppend(hostElementPrototype);\n patchSlotPrepend(hostElementPrototype);\n patchSlotInsertAdjacentElement(hostElementPrototype);\n patchSlotInsertAdjacentHTML(hostElementPrototype);\n patchSlotInsertAdjacentText(hostElementPrototype);\n patchTextContent(hostElementPrototype, descriptorPrototype);\n patchChildSlotNodes(hostElementPrototype, descriptorPrototype);\n};\nconst patchCloneNode = (HostElementPrototype) => {\n const orgCloneNode = HostElementPrototype.cloneNode;\n HostElementPrototype.cloneNode = function (deep) {\n const srcNode = this;\n const isShadowDom = BUILD.shadowDom ? srcNode.shadowRoot && supportsShadow : false;\n const clonedNode = orgCloneNode.call(srcNode, isShadowDom ? deep : false);\n if (BUILD.slot && !isShadowDom && deep) {\n let i = 0;\n let slotted, nonStencilNode;\n const stencilPrivates = [\n 's-id',\n 's-cr',\n 's-lr',\n 's-rc',\n 's-sc',\n 's-p',\n 's-cn',\n 's-sr',\n 's-sn',\n 's-hn',\n 's-ol',\n 's-nr',\n 's-si',\n ];\n for (; i < srcNode.childNodes.length; i++) {\n slotted = srcNode.childNodes[i]['s-nr'];\n nonStencilNode = stencilPrivates.every((privateField) => !srcNode.childNodes[i][privateField]);\n if (slotted) {\n if (BUILD.appendChildSlotFix && clonedNode.__appendChild) {\n clonedNode.__appendChild(slotted.cloneNode(true));\n }\n else {\n clonedNode.appendChild(slotted.cloneNode(true));\n }\n }\n if (nonStencilNode) {\n clonedNode.appendChild(srcNode.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true));\n }\n }\n }\n return clonedNode;\n };\n};\nconst patchSlotAppendChild = (HostElementPrototype) => {\n HostElementPrototype.__appendChild = HostElementPrototype.appendChild;\n HostElementPrototype.appendChild = function (newChild) {\n const slotName = (newChild['s-sn'] = getSlotName(newChild));\n const slotNode = getHostSlotNode(this.childNodes, slotName);\n if (slotNode) {\n const slotChildNodes = getHostSlotChildNodes(slotNode, slotName);\n const appendAfter = slotChildNodes[slotChildNodes.length - 1];\n return appendAfter.parentNode.insertBefore(newChild, appendAfter.nextSibling);\n }\n return this.__appendChild(newChild);\n };\n};\n/**\n * Patches the `prepend` method for a slotted node inside a scoped component.\n *\n * @param HostElementPrototype the `Element` to be patched\n */\nconst patchSlotPrepend = (HostElementPrototype) => {\n const originalPrepend = HostElementPrototype.prepend;\n HostElementPrototype.prepend = function (...newChildren) {\n newChildren.forEach((newChild) => {\n if (typeof newChild === 'string') {\n newChild = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(newChild);\n }\n const slotName = (newChild['s-sn'] = getSlotName(newChild));\n const slotNode = getHostSlotNode(this.childNodes, slotName);\n if (slotNode) {\n const slotPlaceholder = document.createTextNode('');\n slotPlaceholder['s-nr'] = newChild;\n slotNode['s-cr'].parentNode.__appendChild(slotPlaceholder);\n newChild['s-ol'] = slotPlaceholder;\n const slotChildNodes = getHostSlotChildNodes(slotNode, slotName);\n const appendAfter = slotChildNodes[0];\n return appendAfter.parentNode.insertBefore(newChild, appendAfter.nextSibling);\n }\n if (newChild.nodeType === 1 && !!newChild.getAttribute('slot')) {\n newChild.hidden = true;\n }\n return originalPrepend.call(this, newChild);\n });\n };\n};\n/**\n * Patches the `append` method for a slotted node inside a scoped component. The patched method uses\n * `appendChild` under-the-hood while creating text nodes for any new children that passed as bare strings.\n *\n * @param HostElementPrototype the `Element` to be patched\n */\nconst patchSlotAppend = (HostElementPrototype) => {\n HostElementPrototype.append = function (...newChildren) {\n newChildren.forEach((newChild) => {\n if (typeof newChild === 'string') {\n newChild = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(newChild);\n }\n this.appendChild(newChild);\n });\n };\n};\n/**\n * Patches the `insertAdjacentHTML` method for a slotted node inside a scoped component. Specifically,\n * we only need to patch the behavior for the specific `beforeend` and `afterbegin` positions so the element\n * gets inserted into the DOM in the correct location.\n *\n * @param HostElementPrototype the `Element` to be patched\n */\nconst patchSlotInsertAdjacentHTML = (HostElementPrototype) => {\n const originalInsertAdjacentHtml = HostElementPrototype.insertAdjacentHTML;\n HostElementPrototype.insertAdjacentHTML = function (position, text) {\n if (position !== 'afterbegin' && position !== 'beforeend') {\n return originalInsertAdjacentHtml.call(this, position, text);\n }\n const container = this.ownerDocument.createElement('_');\n let node;\n container.innerHTML = text;\n if (position === 'afterbegin') {\n while ((node = container.firstChild)) {\n this.prepend(node);\n }\n }\n else if (position === 'beforeend') {\n while ((node = container.firstChild)) {\n this.append(node);\n }\n }\n };\n};\n/**\n * Patches the `insertAdjacentText` method for a slotted node inside a scoped component. Specifically,\n * we only need to patch the behavior for the specific `beforeend` and `afterbegin` positions so the text node\n * gets inserted into the DOM in the correct location.\n *\n * @param HostElementPrototype the `Element` to be patched\n */\nconst patchSlotInsertAdjacentText = (HostElementPrototype) => {\n HostElementPrototype.insertAdjacentText = function (position, text) {\n this.insertAdjacentHTML(position, text);\n };\n};\n/**\n * Patches the `insertAdjacentElement` method for a slotted node inside a scoped component. Specifically,\n * we only need to patch the behavior for the specific `beforeend` and `afterbegin` positions so the element\n * gets inserted into the DOM in the correct location.\n *\n * @param HostElementPrototype the `Element` to be patched\n */\nconst patchSlotInsertAdjacentElement = (HostElementPrototype) => {\n const originalInsertAdjacentElement = HostElementPrototype.insertAdjacentElement;\n HostElementPrototype.insertAdjacentElement = function (position, element) {\n if (position !== 'afterbegin' && position !== 'beforeend') {\n return originalInsertAdjacentElement.call(this, position, element);\n }\n if (position === 'afterbegin') {\n this.prepend(element);\n return element;\n }\n else if (position === 'beforeend') {\n this.append(element);\n return element;\n }\n return element;\n };\n};\n/**\n * Patches the text content of an unnamed slotted node inside a scoped component\n * @param hostElementPrototype the `Element` to be patched\n * @param cmpMeta component runtime metadata used to determine if the component should be patched or not\n */\nconst patchTextContent = (hostElementPrototype, cmpMeta) => {\n if (BUILD.scoped && cmpMeta.$flags$ & 2 /* CMP_FLAGS.scopedCssEncapsulation */) {\n const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node.prototype, 'textContent');\n Object.defineProperty(hostElementPrototype, '__textContent', descriptor);\n Object.defineProperty(hostElementPrototype, 'textContent', {\n get() {\n var _a;\n // get the 'default slot', which would be the first slot in a shadow tree (if we were using one), whose name is\n // the empty string\n const slotNode = getHostSlotNode(this.childNodes, '');\n // when a slot node is found, the textContent _may_ be found in the next sibling (text) node, depending on how\n // nodes were reordered during the vdom render. first try to get the text content from the sibling.\n if (((_a = slotNode === null || slotNode === void 0 ? void 0 : slotNode.nextSibling) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nodeType) === 3 /* NODE_TYPES.TEXT_NODE */) {\n return slotNode.nextSibling.textContent;\n }\n else if (slotNode) {\n return slotNode.textContent;\n }\n else {\n // fallback to the original implementation\n return this.__textContent;\n }\n },\n set(value) {\n var _a;\n // get the 'default slot', which would be the first slot in a shadow tree (if we were using one), whose name is\n // the empty string\n const slotNode = getHostSlotNode(this.childNodes, '');\n // when a slot node is found, the textContent _may_ need to be placed in the next sibling (text) node,\n // depending on how nodes were reordered during the vdom render. first try to set the text content on the\n // sibling.\n if (((_a = slotNode === null || slotNode === void 0 ? void 0 : slotNode.nextSibling) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nodeType) === 3 /* NODE_TYPES.TEXT_NODE */) {\n slotNode.nextSibling.textContent = value;\n }\n else if (slotNode) {\n slotNode.textContent = value;\n }\n else {\n // we couldn't find a slot, but that doesn't mean that there isn't one. if this check ran before the DOM\n // loaded, we could have missed it. check for a content reference element on the scoped component and insert\n // it there\n this.__textContent = value;\n const contentRefElm = this['s-cr'];\n if (contentRefElm) {\n this.insertBefore(contentRefElm, this.firstChild);\n }\n }\n },\n });\n }\n};\nconst patchChildSlotNodes = (elm, cmpMeta) => {\n class FakeNodeList extends Array {\n item(n) {\n return this[n];\n }\n }\n // TODO(STENCIL-854): Remove code related to legacy shadowDomShim field\n if (cmpMeta.$flags$ & 8 /* CMP_FLAGS.needsShadowDomShim */) {\n const childNodesFn = elm.__lookupGetter__('childNodes');\n Object.defineProperty(elm, 'children', {\n get() {\n return this.childNodes.map((n) => n.nodeType === 1);\n },\n });\n Object.defineProperty(elm, 'childElementCount', {\n get() {\n return elm.children.length;\n },\n });\n Object.defineProperty(elm, 'childNodes', {\n get() {\n const childNodes = childNodesFn.call(this);\n if ((plt.$flags$ & 1 /* PLATFORM_FLAGS.isTmpDisconnected */) === 0 &&\n getHostRef(this).$flags$ & 2 /* HOST_FLAGS.hasRendered */) {\n const result = new FakeNodeList();\n for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {\n const slot = childNodes[i]['s-nr'];\n if (slot) {\n result.push(slot);\n }\n }\n return result;\n }\n return FakeNodeList.from(childNodes);\n },\n });\n }\n};\nconst getSlotName = (node) => node['s-sn'] || (node.nodeType === 1 && node.getAttribute('slot')) || '';\n/**\n * Recursively searches a series of child nodes for a slot with the provided name.\n * @param childNodes the nodes to search for a slot with a specific name.\n * @param slotName the name of the slot to match on.\n * @returns a reference to the slot node that matches the provided name, `null` otherwise\n */\nconst getHostSlotNode = (childNodes, slotName) => {\n let i = 0;\n let childNode;\n for (; i < childNodes.length; i++) {\n childNode = childNodes[i];\n if (childNode['s-sr'] && childNode['s-sn'] === slotName) {\n return childNode;\n }\n childNode = getHostSlotNode(childNode.childNodes, slotName);\n if (childNode) {\n return childNode;\n }\n }\n return null;\n};\nconst getHostSlotChildNodes = (n, slotName) => {\n const childNodes = [n];\n while ((n = n.nextSibling) && n['s-sn'] === slotName) {\n childNodes.push(n);\n }\n return childNodes;\n};\nconst defineCustomElement = (Cstr, compactMeta) => {\n customElements.define(compactMeta[1], proxyCustomElement(Cstr, compactMeta));\n};\nconst proxyCustomElement = (Cstr, compactMeta) => {\n const cmpMeta = {\n $flags$: compactMeta[0],\n $tagName$: compactMeta[1],\n };\n if (BUILD.member) {\n cmpMeta.$members$ = compactMeta[2];\n }\n if (BUILD.hostListener) {\n cmpMeta.$listeners$ = compactMeta[3];\n }\n if (BUILD.watchCallback) {\n cmpMeta.$watchers$ = Cstr.$watchers$;\n }\n if (BUILD.reflect) {\n cmpMeta.$attrsToReflect$ = [];\n }\n if (BUILD.shadowDom && !supportsShadow && cmpMeta.$flags$ & 1 /* CMP_FLAGS.shadowDomEncapsulation */) {\n // TODO(STENCIL-854): Remove code related to legacy shadowDomShim field\n cmpMeta.$flags$ |= 8 /* CMP_FLAGS.needsShadowDomShim */;\n }\n // TODO(STENCIL-914): this check and `else` block can go away and be replaced by just `BUILD.scoped` once we\n // default our pseudo-slot behavior\n if (BUILD.experimentalSlotFixes && BUILD.scoped) {\n patchPseudoShadowDom(Cstr.prototype, cmpMeta);\n }\n else {\n if (BUILD.slotChildNodesFix) {\n patchChildSlotNodes(Cstr.prototype, cmpMeta);\n }\n if (BUILD.cloneNodeFix) {\n patchCloneNode(Cstr.prototype);\n }\n if (BUILD.appendChildSlotFix) {\n patchSlotAppendChild(Cstr.prototype);\n }\n if (BUILD.scopedSlotTextContentFix) {\n patchTextContent(Cstr.prototype, cmpMeta);\n }\n }\n const originalConnectedCallback = Cstr.prototype.connectedCallback;\n const originalDisconnectedCallback = Cstr.prototype.disconnectedCallback;\n Object.assign(Cstr.prototype, {\n __registerHost() {\n registerHost(this, cmpMeta);\n },\n connectedCallback() {\n connectedCallback(this);\n if (BUILD.connectedCallback && originalConnectedCallback) {\n originalConnectedCallback.call(this);\n }\n },\n disconnectedCallback() {\n disconnectedCallback(this);\n if (BUILD.disconnectedCallback && originalDisconnectedCallback) {\n originalDisconnectedCallback.call(this);\n }\n },\n __attachShadow() {\n if (supportsShadow) {\n if (BUILD.shadowDelegatesFocus) {\n this.attachShadow({\n mode: 'open',\n delegatesFocus: !!(cmpMeta.$flags$ & 16 /* CMP_FLAGS.shadowDelegatesFocus */),\n });\n }\n else {\n this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });\n }\n }\n else {\n this.shadowRoot = this;\n }\n },\n });\n Cstr.is = cmpMeta.$tagName$;\n return proxyComponent(Cstr, cmpMeta, 1 /* PROXY_FLAGS.isElementConstructor */ | 2 /* PROXY_FLAGS.proxyState */);\n};\nconst forceModeUpdate = (elm) => {\n if (BUILD.style && BUILD.mode && !BUILD.lazyLoad) {\n const mode = computeMode(elm);\n const hostRef = getHostRef(elm);\n if (hostRef.$modeName$ !== mode) {\n const cmpMeta = hostRef.$cmpMeta$;\n const oldScopeId = elm['s-sc'];\n const scopeId = getScopeId(cmpMeta, mode);\n const style = elm.constructor.style[mode];\n const flags = cmpMeta.$flags$;\n if (style) {\n if (!styles.has(scopeId)) {\n registerStyle(scopeId, style, !!(flags & 1 /* CMP_FLAGS.shadowDomEncapsulation */));\n }\n hostRef.$modeName$ = mode;\n elm.classList.remove(oldScopeId + '-h', oldScopeId + '-s');\n attachStyles(hostRef);\n forceUpdate(elm);\n }\n }\n }\n};\n/**\n * Kick off hot-module-replacement for a component. In order to replace the\n * component in-place we:\n *\n * 1. get a reference to the {@link d.HostRef} for the element\n * 2. reset the element's runtime flags\n * 3. re-run the initialization logic for the element (via\n * {@link initializeComponent})\n *\n * @param hostElement the host element for the component which we want to start\n * doing HMR\n * @param cmpMeta runtime metadata for the component\n * @param hmrVersionId the current HMR version ID\n */\nconst hmrStart = (hostElement, cmpMeta, hmrVersionId) => {\n // ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯\n const hostRef = getHostRef(hostElement);\n // reset state flags to only have been connected\n hostRef.$flags$ = 1 /* HOST_FLAGS.hasConnected */;\n // TODO\n // detach any event listeners that may have been added\n // because we're not passing an exact event name it'll\n // remove all of this element's event, which is good\n // re-initialize the component\n initializeComponent(hostElement, hostRef, cmpMeta, hmrVersionId);\n};\nconst bootstrapLazy = (lazyBundles, options = {}) => {\n var _a;\n if (BUILD.profile && performance.mark) {\n performance.mark('st:app:start');\n }\n installDevTools();\n const endBootstrap = createTime('bootstrapLazy');\n const cmpTags = [];\n const exclude = options.exclude || [];\n const customElements = win.customElements;\n const head = doc.head;\n const metaCharset = /*@__PURE__*/ head.querySelector('meta[charset]');\n const dataStyles = /*@__PURE__*/ doc.createElement('style');\n const deferredConnectedCallbacks = [];\n const styles = /*@__PURE__*/ doc.querySelectorAll(`[${HYDRATED_STYLE_ID}]`);\n let appLoadFallback;\n let isBootstrapping = true;\n let i = 0;\n Object.assign(plt, options);\n plt.$resourcesUrl$ = new URL(options.resourcesUrl || './', doc.baseURI).href;\n if (BUILD.asyncQueue) {\n if (options.syncQueue) {\n plt.$flags$ |= 4 /* PLATFORM_FLAGS.queueSync */;\n }\n }\n if (BUILD.hydrateClientSide) {\n // If the app is already hydrated there is not point to disable the\n // async queue. This will improve the first input delay\n plt.$flags$ |= 2 /* PLATFORM_FLAGS.appLoaded */;\n }\n if (BUILD.hydrateClientSide && BUILD.shadowDom) {\n for (; i < styles.length; i++) {\n registerStyle(styles[i].getAttribute(HYDRATED_STYLE_ID), convertScopedToShadow(styles[i].innerHTML), true);\n }\n }\n let hasSlotRelocation = false;\n lazyBundles.map((lazyBundle) => {\n lazyBundle[1].map((compactMeta) => {\n var _a;\n const cmpMeta = {\n $flags$: compactMeta[0],\n $tagName$: compactMeta[1],\n $members$: compactMeta[2],\n $listeners$: compactMeta[3],\n };\n // Check if we are using slots outside the shadow DOM in this component.\n // We'll use this information later to add styles for `slot-fb` elements\n if (cmpMeta.$flags$ & 4 /* CMP_FLAGS.hasSlotRelocation */) {\n hasSlotRelocation = true;\n }\n if (BUILD.member) {\n cmpMeta.$members$ = compactMeta[2];\n }\n if (BUILD.hostListener) {\n cmpMeta.$listeners$ = compactMeta[3];\n }\n if (BUILD.reflect) {\n cmpMeta.$attrsToReflect$ = [];\n }\n if (BUILD.watchCallback) {\n cmpMeta.$watchers$ = (_a = compactMeta[4]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {};\n }\n if (BUILD.shadowDom && !supportsShadow && cmpMeta.$flags$ & 1 /* CMP_FLAGS.shadowDomEncapsulation */) {\n // TODO(STENCIL-854): Remove code related to legacy shadowDomShim field\n cmpMeta.$flags$ |= 8 /* CMP_FLAGS.needsShadowDomShim */;\n }\n const tagName = BUILD.transformTagName && options.transformTagName\n ? options.transformTagName(cmpMeta.$tagName$)\n : cmpMeta.$tagName$;\n const HostElement = class extends HTMLElement {\n // StencilLazyHost\n constructor(self) {\n // @ts-ignore\n super(self);\n self = this;\n registerHost(self, cmpMeta);\n if (BUILD.shadowDom && cmpMeta.$flags$ & 1 /* CMP_FLAGS.shadowDomEncapsulation */) {\n // this component is using shadow dom\n // and this browser supports shadow dom\n // add the read-only property \"shadowRoot\" to the host element\n // adding the shadow root build conditionals to minimize runtime\n if (supportsShadow) {\n if (BUILD.shadowDelegatesFocus) {\n self.attachShadow({\n mode: 'open',\n delegatesFocus: !!(cmpMeta.$flags$ & 16 /* CMP_FLAGS.shadowDelegatesFocus */),\n });\n }\n else {\n self.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });\n }\n }\n else if (!BUILD.hydrateServerSide && !('shadowRoot' in self)) {\n self.shadowRoot = self;\n }\n }\n }\n connectedCallback() {\n if (appLoadFallback) {\n clearTimeout(appLoadFallback);\n appLoadFallback = null;\n }\n if (isBootstrapping) {\n // connectedCallback will be processed once all components have been registered\n deferredConnectedCallbacks.push(this);\n }\n else {\n plt.jmp(() => connectedCallback(this));\n }\n }\n disconnectedCallback() {\n plt.jmp(() => disconnectedCallback(this));\n }\n componentOnReady() {\n return getHostRef(this).$onReadyPromise$;\n }\n };\n // TODO(STENCIL-914): this check and `else` block can go away and be replaced by just `BUILD.scoped` once we\n // default our pseudo-slot behavior\n if (BUILD.experimentalSlotFixes && BUILD.scoped) {\n patchPseudoShadowDom(HostElement.prototype, cmpMeta);\n }\n else {\n if (BUILD.slotChildNodesFix) {\n patchChildSlotNodes(HostElement.prototype, cmpMeta);\n }\n if (BUILD.cloneNodeFix) {\n patchCloneNode(HostElement.prototype);\n }\n if (BUILD.appendChildSlotFix) {\n patchSlotAppendChild(HostElement.prototype);\n }\n if (BUILD.scopedSlotTextContentFix) {\n patchTextContent(HostElement.prototype, cmpMeta);\n }\n }\n // if the component is formAssociated we need to set that on the host\n // element so that it will be ready for `attachInternals` to be called on\n // it later on\n if (BUILD.formAssociated && cmpMeta.$flags$ & 64 /* CMP_FLAGS.formAssociated */) {\n HostElement.formAssociated = true;\n }\n if (BUILD.hotModuleReplacement) {\n // if we're in an HMR dev build then we need to set up the callback\n // which will carry out the work of actually replacing the module for\n // this particular component\n HostElement.prototype['s-hmr'] = function (hmrVersionId) {\n hmrStart(this, cmpMeta, hmrVersionId);\n };\n }\n cmpMeta.$lazyBundleId$ = lazyBundle[0];\n if (!exclude.includes(tagName) && !customElements.get(tagName)) {\n cmpTags.push(tagName);\n customElements.define(tagName, proxyComponent(HostElement, cmpMeta, 1 /* PROXY_FLAGS.isElementConstructor */));\n }\n });\n });\n // Add styles for `slot-fb` elements if any of our components are using slots outside the Shadow DOM\n if (hasSlotRelocation) {\n dataStyles.innerHTML += SLOT_FB_CSS;\n }\n // Add hydration styles\n if (BUILD.invisiblePrehydration && (BUILD.hydratedClass || BUILD.hydratedAttribute)) {\n dataStyles.innerHTML += cmpTags + HYDRATED_CSS;\n }\n // If we have styles, add them to the DOM\n if (dataStyles.innerHTML.length) {\n dataStyles.setAttribute('data-styles', '');\n head.insertBefore(dataStyles, metaCharset ? metaCharset.nextSibling : head.firstChild);\n // Apply CSP nonce to the style tag if it exists\n const nonce = (_a = plt.$nonce$) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : queryNonceMetaTagContent(doc);\n if (nonce != null) {\n dataStyles.setAttribute('nonce', nonce);\n }\n }\n // Process deferred connectedCallbacks now all components have been registered\n isBootstrapping = false;\n if (deferredConnectedCallbacks.length) {\n deferredConnectedCallbacks.map((host) => host.connectedCallback());\n }\n else {\n if (BUILD.profile) {\n plt.jmp(() => (appLoadFallback = setTimeout(appDidLoad, 30, 'timeout')));\n }\n else {\n plt.jmp(() => (appLoadFallback = setTimeout(appDidLoad, 30)));\n }\n }\n // Fallback appLoad event\n endBootstrap();\n};\nconst Fragment = (_, children) => children;\nconst addHostEventListeners = (elm, hostRef, listeners, attachParentListeners) => {\n if (BUILD.hostListener && listeners) {\n // this is called immediately within the element's constructor\n // initialize our event listeners on the host element\n // we do this now so that we can listen to events that may\n // have fired even before the instance is ready\n if (BUILD.hostListenerTargetParent) {\n // this component may have event listeners that should be attached to the parent\n if (attachParentListeners) {\n // this is being ran from within the connectedCallback\n // which is important so that we know the host element actually has a parent element\n // filter out the listeners to only have the ones that ARE being attached to the parent\n listeners = listeners.filter(([flags]) => flags & 32 /* LISTENER_FLAGS.TargetParent */);\n }\n else {\n // this is being ran from within the component constructor\n // everything BUT the parent element listeners should be attached at this time\n // filter out the listeners that are NOT being attached to the parent\n listeners = listeners.filter(([flags]) => !(flags & 32 /* LISTENER_FLAGS.TargetParent */));\n }\n }\n listeners.map(([flags, name, method]) => {\n const target = BUILD.hostListenerTarget ? getHostListenerTarget(elm, flags) : elm;\n const handler = hostListenerProxy(hostRef, method);\n const opts = hostListenerOpts(flags);\n plt.ael(target, name, handler, opts);\n (hostRef.$rmListeners$ = hostRef.$rmListeners$ || []).push(() => plt.rel(target, name, handler, opts));\n });\n }\n};\nconst hostListenerProxy = (hostRef, methodName) => (ev) => {\n try {\n if (BUILD.lazyLoad) {\n if (hostRef.$flags$ & 256 /* HOST_FLAGS.isListenReady */) {\n // instance is ready, let's call it's member method for this event\n hostRef.$lazyInstance$[methodName](ev);\n }\n else {\n (hostRef.$queuedListeners$ = hostRef.$queuedListeners$ || []).push([methodName, ev]);\n }\n }\n else {\n hostRef.$hostElement$[methodName](ev);\n }\n }\n catch (e) {\n consoleError(e);\n }\n};\nconst getHostListenerTarget = (elm, flags) => {\n if (BUILD.hostListenerTargetDocument && flags & 4 /* LISTENER_FLAGS.TargetDocument */)\n return doc;\n if (BUILD.hostListenerTargetWindow && flags & 8 /* LISTENER_FLAGS.TargetWindow */)\n return win;\n if (BUILD.hostListenerTargetBody && flags & 16 /* LISTENER_FLAGS.TargetBody */)\n return doc.body;\n if (BUILD.hostListenerTargetParent && flags & 32 /* LISTENER_FLAGS.TargetParent */)\n return elm.parentElement;\n return elm;\n};\n// prettier-ignore\nconst hostListenerOpts = (flags) => supportsListenerOptions\n ? ({\n passive: (flags & 1 /* LISTENER_FLAGS.Passive */) !== 0,\n capture: (flags & 2 /* LISTENER_FLAGS.Capture */) !== 0,\n })\n : (flags & 2 /* LISTENER_FLAGS.Capture */) !== 0;\n/**\n * Assigns the given value to the nonce property on the runtime platform object.\n * During runtime, this value is used to set the nonce attribute on all dynamically created script and style tags.\n * @param nonce The value to be assigned to the platform nonce property.\n * @returns void\n */\nconst setNonce = (nonce) => (plt.$nonce$ = nonce);\nconst setPlatformOptions = (opts) => Object.assign(plt, opts);\nconst insertVdomAnnotations = (doc, staticComponents) => {\n if (doc != null) {\n const docData = {\n hostIds: 0,\n rootLevelIds: 0,\n staticComponents: new Set(staticComponents),\n };\n const orgLocationNodes = [];\n parseVNodeAnnotations(doc, doc.body, docData, orgLocationNodes);\n orgLocationNodes.forEach((orgLocationNode) => {\n if (orgLocationNode != null) {\n const nodeRef = orgLocationNode['s-nr'];\n let hostId = nodeRef['s-host-id'];\n let nodeId = nodeRef['s-node-id'];\n let childId = `${hostId}.${nodeId}`;\n if (hostId == null) {\n hostId = 0;\n docData.rootLevelIds++;\n nodeId = docData.rootLevelIds;\n childId = `${hostId}.${nodeId}`;\n if (nodeRef.nodeType === 1 /* NODE_TYPE.ElementNode */) {\n nodeRef.setAttribute(HYDRATE_CHILD_ID, childId);\n }\n else if (nodeRef.nodeType === 3 /* NODE_TYPE.TextNode */) {\n if (hostId === 0) {\n const textContent = nodeRef.nodeValue.trim();\n if (textContent === '') {\n // useless whitespace node at the document root\n orgLocationNode.remove();\n return;\n }\n }\n const commentBeforeTextNode = doc.createComment(childId);\n commentBeforeTextNode.nodeValue = `${TEXT_NODE_ID}.${childId}`;\n nodeRef.parentNode.insertBefore(commentBeforeTextNode, nodeRef);\n }\n }\n let orgLocationNodeId = `${ORG_LOCATION_ID}.${childId}`;\n const orgLocationParentNode = orgLocationNode.parentElement;\n if (orgLocationParentNode) {\n if (orgLocationParentNode['s-en'] === '') {\n // ending with a \".\" means that the parent element\n // of this node's original location is a SHADOW dom element\n // and this node is apart of the root level light dom\n orgLocationNodeId += `.`;\n }\n else if (orgLocationParentNode['s-en'] === 'c') {\n // ending with a \".c\" means that the parent element\n // of this node's original location is a SCOPED element\n // and this node is apart of the root level light dom\n orgLocationNodeId += `.c`;\n }\n }\n orgLocationNode.nodeValue = orgLocationNodeId;\n }\n });\n }\n};\nconst parseVNodeAnnotations = (doc, node, docData, orgLocationNodes) => {\n if (node == null) {\n return;\n }\n if (node['s-nr'] != null) {\n orgLocationNodes.push(node);\n }\n if (node.nodeType === 1 /* NODE_TYPE.ElementNode */) {\n node.childNodes.forEach((childNode) => {\n const hostRef = getHostRef(childNode);\n if (hostRef != null && !docData.staticComponents.has(childNode.nodeName.toLowerCase())) {\n const cmpData = {\n nodeIds: 0,\n };\n insertVNodeAnnotations(doc, childNode, hostRef.$vnode$, docData, cmpData);\n }\n parseVNodeAnnotations(doc, childNode, docData, orgLocationNodes);\n });\n }\n};\nconst insertVNodeAnnotations = (doc, hostElm, vnode, docData, cmpData) => {\n if (vnode != null) {\n const hostId = ++docData.hostIds;\n hostElm.setAttribute(HYDRATE_ID, hostId);\n if (hostElm['s-cr'] != null) {\n hostElm['s-cr'].nodeValue = `${CONTENT_REF_ID}.${hostId}`;\n }\n if (vnode.$children$ != null) {\n const depth = 0;\n vnode.$children$.forEach((vnodeChild, index) => {\n insertChildVNodeAnnotations(doc, vnodeChild, cmpData, hostId, depth, index);\n });\n }\n if (hostElm && vnode && vnode.$elm$ && !hostElm.hasAttribute('c-id')) {\n const parent = hostElm.parentElement;\n if (parent && parent.childNodes) {\n const parentChildNodes = Array.from(parent.childNodes);\n const comment = parentChildNodes.find((node) => node.nodeType === 8 /* NODE_TYPE.CommentNode */ && node['s-sr']);\n if (comment) {\n const index = parentChildNodes.indexOf(hostElm) - 1;\n vnode.$elm$.setAttribute(HYDRATE_CHILD_ID, `${comment['s-host-id']}.${comment['s-node-id']}.0.${index}`);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\nconst insertChildVNodeAnnotations = (doc, vnodeChild, cmpData, hostId, depth, index) => {\n const childElm = vnodeChild.$elm$;\n if (childElm == null) {\n return;\n }\n const nodeId = cmpData.nodeIds++;\n const childId = `${hostId}.${nodeId}.${depth}.${index}`;\n childElm['s-host-id'] = hostId;\n childElm['s-node-id'] = nodeId;\n if (childElm.nodeType === 1 /* NODE_TYPE.ElementNode */) {\n childElm.setAttribute(HYDRATE_CHILD_ID, childId);\n }\n else if (childElm.nodeType === 3 /* NODE_TYPE.TextNode */) {\n const parentNode = childElm.parentNode;\n const nodeName = parentNode.nodeName;\n if (nodeName !== 'STYLE' && nodeName !== 'SCRIPT') {\n const textNodeId = `${TEXT_NODE_ID}.${childId}`;\n const commentBeforeTextNode = doc.createComment(textNodeId);\n parentNode.insertBefore(commentBeforeTextNode, childElm);\n }\n }\n else if (childElm.nodeType === 8 /* NODE_TYPE.CommentNode */) {\n if (childElm['s-sr']) {\n const slotName = childElm['s-sn'] || '';\n const slotNodeId = `${SLOT_NODE_ID}.${childId}.${slotName}`;\n childElm.nodeValue = slotNodeId;\n }\n }\n if (vnodeChild.$children$ != null) {\n const childDepth = depth + 1;\n vnodeChild.$children$.forEach((vnode, index) => {\n insertChildVNodeAnnotations(doc, vnode, cmpData, hostId, childDepth, index);\n });\n }\n};\n/**\n * A WeakMap mapping runtime component references to their corresponding host reference\n * instances.\n */\nconst hostRefs = /*@__PURE__*/ new WeakMap();\n/**\n * Given a {@link d.RuntimeRef} retrieve the corresponding {@link d.HostRef}\n *\n * @param ref the runtime ref of interest\n * @returns the Host reference (if found) or undefined\n */\nconst getHostRef = (ref) => hostRefs.get(ref);\n/**\n * Register a lazy instance with the {@link hostRefs} object so it's\n * corresponding {@link d.HostRef} can be retrieved later.\n *\n * @param lazyInstance the lazy instance of interest\n * @param hostRef that instances `HostRef` object\n * @returns a reference to the host ref WeakMap\n */\nconst registerInstance = (lazyInstance, hostRef) => hostRefs.set((hostRef.$lazyInstance$ = lazyInstance), hostRef);\n/**\n * Register a host element for a Stencil component, setting up various metadata\n * and callbacks based on {@link BUILD} flags as well as the component's runtime\n * metadata.\n *\n * @param hostElement the host element to register\n * @param cmpMeta runtime metadata for that component\n * @returns a reference to the host ref WeakMap\n */\nconst registerHost = (hostElement, cmpMeta) => {\n const hostRef = {\n $flags$: 0,\n $hostElement$: hostElement,\n $cmpMeta$: cmpMeta,\n $instanceValues$: new Map(),\n };\n if (BUILD.isDev) {\n hostRef.$renderCount$ = 0;\n }\n if (BUILD.method && BUILD.lazyLoad) {\n hostRef.$onInstancePromise$ = new Promise((r) => (hostRef.$onInstanceResolve$ = r));\n }\n if (BUILD.asyncLoading) {\n hostRef.$onReadyPromise$ = new Promise((r) => (hostRef.$onReadyResolve$ = r));\n hostElement['s-p'] = [];\n hostElement['s-rc'] = [];\n }\n addHostEventListeners(hostElement, hostRef, cmpMeta.$listeners$, false);\n return hostRefs.set(hostElement, hostRef);\n};\nconst isMemberInElement = (elm, memberName) => memberName in elm;\nconst consoleError = (e, el) => (customError || console.error)(e, el);\nconst STENCIL_DEV_MODE = BUILD.isTesting\n ? ['STENCIL:'] // E2E testing\n : [\n '%cstencil',\n 'color: white;background:#4c47ff;font-weight: bold; font-size:10px; padding:2px 6px; border-radius: 5px',\n ];\nconst consoleDevError = (...m) => console.error(...STENCIL_DEV_MODE, ...m);\nconst consoleDevWarn = (...m) => console.warn(...STENCIL_DEV_MODE, ...m);\nconst consoleDevInfo = (...m) => console.info(...STENCIL_DEV_MODE, ...m);\nconst setErrorHandler = (handler) => (customError = handler);\nconst cmpModules = /*@__PURE__*/ new Map();\nconst loadModule = (cmpMeta, hostRef, hmrVersionId) => {\n // loadModuleImport\n const exportName = cmpMeta.$tagName$.replace(/-/g, '_');\n const bundleId = cmpMeta.$lazyBundleId$;\n if (BUILD.isDev && typeof bundleId !== 'string') {\n consoleDevError(`Trying to lazily load component <${cmpMeta.$tagName$}> with style mode \"${hostRef.$modeName$}\", but it does not exist.`);\n return undefined;\n }\n const module = !BUILD.hotModuleReplacement ? cmpModules.get(bundleId) : false;\n if (module) {\n return module[exportName];\n }\n /*!__STENCIL_STATIC_IMPORT_SWITCH__*/\n return import(\n /* @vite-ignore */\n /* webpackInclude: /\\.entry\\.js$/ */\n /* webpackExclude: /\\.system\\.entry\\.js$/ */\n /* webpackMode: \"lazy\" */\n `./${bundleId}.entry.js${BUILD.hotModuleReplacement && hmrVersionId ? '?s-hmr=' + hmrVersionId : ''}`).then((importedModule) => {\n if (!BUILD.hotModuleReplacement) {\n cmpModules.set(bundleId, importedModule);\n }\n return importedModule[exportName];\n }, consoleError);\n};\nconst styles = /*@__PURE__*/ new Map();\nconst modeResolutionChain = [];\nconst win = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {};\nconst doc = win.document || { head: {} };\nconst H = (win.HTMLElement || class {\n});\nconst plt = {\n $flags$: 0,\n $resourcesUrl$: '',\n jmp: (h) => h(),\n raf: (h) => requestAnimationFrame(h),\n ael: (el, eventName, listener, opts) => el.addEventListener(eventName, listener, opts),\n rel: (el, eventName, listener, opts) => el.removeEventListener(eventName, listener, opts),\n ce: (eventName, opts) => new CustomEvent(eventName, opts),\n};\nconst setPlatformHelpers = (helpers) => {\n Object.assign(plt, helpers);\n};\nconst supportsShadow = \n// TODO(STENCIL-854): Remove code related to legacy shadowDomShim field\nBUILD.shadowDomShim && BUILD.shadowDom\n ? /*@__PURE__*/ (() => (doc.head.attachShadow + '').indexOf('[native') > -1)()\n : true;\nconst supportsListenerOptions = /*@__PURE__*/ (() => {\n let supportsListenerOptions = false;\n try {\n doc.addEventListener('e', null, Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {\n get() {\n supportsListenerOptions = true;\n },\n }));\n }\n catch (e) { }\n return supportsListenerOptions;\n})();\nconst promiseResolve = (v) => Promise.resolve(v);\nconst supportsConstructableStylesheets = BUILD.constructableCSS\n ? /*@__PURE__*/ (() => {\n try {\n new CSSStyleSheet();\n return typeof new CSSStyleSheet().replaceSync === 'function';\n }\n catch (e) { }\n return false;\n })()\n : false;\nconst queueDomReads = [];\nconst queueDomWrites = [];\nconst queueDomWritesLow = [];\nconst queueTask = (queue, write) => (cb) => {\n queue.push(cb);\n if (!queuePending) {\n queuePending = true;\n if (write && plt.$flags$ & 4 /* PLATFORM_FLAGS.queueSync */) {\n nextTick(flush);\n }\n else {\n plt.raf(flush);\n }\n }\n};\nconst consume = (queue) => {\n for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {\n try {\n queue[i](performance.now());\n }\n catch (e) {\n consoleError(e);\n }\n }\n queue.length = 0;\n};\nconst consumeTimeout = (queue, timeout) => {\n let i = 0;\n let ts = 0;\n while (i < queue.length && (ts = performance.now()) < timeout) {\n try {\n queue[i++](ts);\n }\n catch (e) {\n consoleError(e);\n }\n }\n if (i === queue.length) {\n queue.length = 0;\n }\n else if (i !== 0) {\n queue.splice(0, i);\n }\n};\nconst flush = () => {\n if (BUILD.asyncQueue) {\n queueCongestion++;\n }\n // always force a bunch of medium callbacks to run, but still have\n // a throttle on how many can run in a certain time\n // DOM READS!!!\n consume(queueDomReads);\n // DOM WRITES!!!\n if (BUILD.asyncQueue) {\n const timeout = (plt.$flags$ & 6 /* PLATFORM_FLAGS.queueMask */) === 2 /* PLATFORM_FLAGS.appLoaded */\n ? performance.now() + 14 * Math.ceil(queueCongestion * (1.0 / 10.0))\n : Infinity;\n consumeTimeout(queueDomWrites, timeout);\n consumeTimeout(queueDomWritesLow, timeout);\n if (queueDomWrites.length > 0) {\n queueDomWritesLow.push(...queueDomWrites);\n queueDomWrites.length = 0;\n }\n if ((queuePending = queueDomReads.length + queueDomWrites.length + queueDomWritesLow.length > 0)) {\n // still more to do yet, but we've run out of time\n // let's let this thing cool off and try again in the next tick\n plt.raf(flush);\n }\n else {\n queueCongestion = 0;\n }\n }\n else {\n consume(queueDomWrites);\n if ((queuePending = queueDomReads.length > 0)) {\n // still more to do yet, but we've run out of time\n // let's let this thing cool off and try again in the next tick\n plt.raf(flush);\n }\n }\n};\nconst nextTick = (cb) => promiseResolve().then(cb);\nconst readTask = /*@__PURE__*/ queueTask(queueDomReads, false);\nconst writeTask = /*@__PURE__*/ queueTask(queueDomWrites, true);\nexport { BUILD, Env, NAMESPACE } from '@stencil/core/internal/app-data';\nexport { Build, Fragment, H, H as HTMLElement, Host, STENCIL_DEV_MODE, addHostEventListeners, bootstrapLazy, cmpModules, connectedCallback, consoleDevError, consoleDevInfo, consoleDevWarn, consoleError, createEvent, defineCustomElement, disconnectedCallback, doc, forceModeUpdate, forceUpdate, getAssetPath, getElement, getHostRef, getMode, getRenderingRef, getValue, h, insertVdomAnnotations, isMemberInElement, loadModule, modeResolutionChain, nextTick, parsePropertyValue, plt, postUpdateComponent, promiseResolve, proxyComponent, proxyCustomElement, readTask, registerHost, registerInstance, renderVdom, setAssetPath, setErrorHandler, setMode, setNonce, setPlatformHelpers, setPlatformOptions, setValue, styles, supportsConstructableStylesheets, supportsListenerOptions, supportsShadow, win, writeTask };\n"],"mappings":"AAAY,MAACA,EAAY,aCgBzB,IAAIC,EAAY,MAGhB,IAAIC,EAAe,MAWd,MAACC,EAAgBC,IAClB,MAAMC,EAAW,IAAIC,IAAIF,EAAMG,GAAIC,GACnC,OAAOH,EAASI,SAAWC,GAAIC,SAASF,OAASJ,EAASO,KAAOP,EAASQ,QAAQ,EAGtF,MAAMC,EAAa,CAACC,EAAQC,EAAU,MAQ7B,CACD,MAAO,MAGf,GAEA,MAAMC,EAAa,CAACC,EAAKC,KAWhB,CACD,MAAO,MAGf,GA0DA,MAAMC,EAAkB,IACxB,MAAMC,EAAe,IACrB,MAAMC,EAAe,IACrB,MAAMC,EAAa,OACnB,MAAMC,EAAoB,SAC1B,MAAMC,EAAmB,OACzB,MAAMC,EAAe,mDAOrB,MAAMC,EAAc,yDASpB,MAAMC,EAAY,GAclB,MAAMC,EAAiBC,IAEnBA,SAAWA,EACX,OAAOA,IAAM,UAAYA,IAAM,UAAU,EAU7C,SAASC,EAAyBC,GAC9B,IAAIC,EAAIC,EAAIC,EACZ,OAAQA,GAAMD,GAAMD,EAAKD,EAAII,QAAU,MAAQH,SAAY,OAAS,EAAIA,EAAGI,cAAc,6BAA+B,MAAQH,SAAY,OAAS,EAAIA,EAAGI,aAAa,cAAgB,MAAQH,SAAY,EAAIA,EAAKI,SAC1N,CAWK,MAACC,EAAI,CAACC,EAAUC,KAAcC,KAC/B,IAAIC,EAAQ,KAGZ,IAAIC,EAAS,MACb,IAAIC,EAAa,MACjB,MAAMC,EAAgB,GACtB,MAAMC,EAAQC,IACV,IAAK,IAAIC,EAAI,EAAGA,EAAID,EAAEE,OAAQD,IAAK,CAC/BN,EAAQK,EAAEC,GACV,GAAIE,MAAMC,QAAQT,GAAQ,CACtBI,EAAKJ,EACrB,MACiB,GAAIA,GAAS,aAAeA,IAAU,UAAW,CAClD,GAAKC,SAAgBJ,IAAa,aAAeZ,EAAce,GAAS,CACpEA,EAAQU,OAAOV,EACnC,CAMgB,GAAIC,GAAUC,EAAY,CAEtBC,EAAcA,EAAcI,OAAS,GAAGI,GAAUX,CACtE,KACqB,CAEDG,EAAcS,KAAKX,EAASY,EAAS,KAAMb,GAASA,EACxE,CACgBE,EAAaD,CAC7B,CACA,GAEIG,EAAKL,GACL,GAAID,EAAW,CAWU,CACjB,MAAMgB,EAAYhB,EAAUiB,WAAajB,EAAUkB,MACnD,GAAIF,EAAW,CACXhB,EAAUkB,aACCF,IAAc,SACfA,EACAG,OAAOC,KAAKJ,GACTK,QAAQC,GAAMN,EAAUM,KACxBC,KAAK,IAClC,CACA,CACA,CAMI,UAAmCxB,IAAa,WAAY,CAExD,OAAOA,EAASC,IAAc,KAAO,GAAKA,EAAWK,EAAemB,EAC5E,CACI,MAAMC,EAAQV,EAAShB,EAAU,MACjC0B,EAAMC,EAAU1B,EAChB,GAAIK,EAAcI,OAAS,EAAG,CAC1BgB,EAAME,EAAatB,CAC3B,CAOI,OAAOoB,CAAK,EAUhB,MAAMV,EAAW,CAACa,EAAKC,KACnB,MAAMJ,EAAQ,CACVK,EAAS,EACTC,EAAOH,EACPf,EAAQgB,EACRG,EAAO,KACPL,EAAY,MAES,CACrBF,EAAMC,EAAU,IACxB,CAOI,OAAOD,CAAK,EAEhB,MAAMQ,EAAO,GAOb,MAAMC,EAAUC,GAASA,GAAQA,EAAKJ,IAAUE,EAQhD,MAAMT,EAAc,CAChBY,QAAS,CAACnC,EAAUoC,IAAOpC,EAASqC,IAAIC,GAAiBH,QAAQC,GACjEC,IAAK,CAACrC,EAAUoC,IAAOpC,EAASqC,IAAIC,GAAiBD,IAAID,GAAIC,IAAIE,IASrE,MAAMD,EAAmBJ,IAAI,CACzBM,OAAQN,EAAKT,EACbgB,UAAWP,EAAKR,EAChBgB,KAAMR,EAAKS,EACXC,MAAOV,EAAKW,EACZC,KAAMZ,EAAKJ,EACXiB,MAAOb,EAAKtB,IAWhB,MAAM2B,EAAoBL,IACtB,UAAWA,EAAKY,OAAS,WAAY,CACjC,MAAM/C,EAAYmB,OAAO8B,OAAO,GAAId,EAAKM,QACzC,GAAIN,EAAKQ,KAAM,CACX3C,EAAUxB,IAAM2D,EAAKQ,IACjC,CACQ,GAAIR,EAAKU,MAAO,CACZ7C,EAAUkD,KAAOf,EAAKU,KAClC,CACQ,OAAO/C,EAAEqC,EAAKY,KAAM/C,KAAemC,EAAKO,WAAa,GAC7D,CACI,MAAMjB,EAAQV,EAASoB,EAAKY,KAAMZ,EAAKa,OACvCvB,EAAMC,EAAUS,EAAKM,OACrBhB,EAAME,EAAaQ,EAAKO,UACxBjB,EAAMmB,EAAQT,EAAKQ,KACnBlB,EAAMqB,EAASX,EAAKU,MACpB,OAAOpB,CAAK,EAqBhB,MAAM0B,EAA0B,CAACC,EAAS9E,EAAS+E,EAAQC,KACvD,MAAMC,EAAanF,EAAW,gBAAiBE,GAC/C,MAAMkF,EAAaJ,EAAQI,WAC3B,MAAMC,EAAmB,GACzB,MAAMC,EAAY,GAClB,MAAMC,EAAuD,KAC7D,MAAMlC,EAAS6B,EAAQM,EAAU7C,EAASzC,EAAS,MACnD,IAAKT,GAAIgG,EAAe,CACpBC,EAA0BxE,GAAIyE,KAAOlG,GAAIgG,EAAgB,IAAIG,IACrE,CACIZ,EAAQvE,GAAcwE,EACtBD,EAAQa,gBAAgBpF,GACxBqF,EAAczC,EAAOgC,EAAkBC,EAAWC,EAAiBP,EAASA,EAASC,GACrFI,EAAiBnB,KAAK/B,IAClB,MAAM4D,EAAgB5D,EAAE6D,EAAW,IAAM7D,EAAE8D,EAC3C,MAAMC,EAAkBzG,GAAIgG,EAAcU,IAAIJ,GAC9C,MAAMhC,EAAO5B,EAAEyB,EACf,GAAIsC,GAAmBE,IAAkBF,EAAgB,UAAY,GAAI,CACrEA,EAAgBG,WAAWC,aAAavC,EAAMmC,EAAgBK,YAC1E,CACQ,IAAKnB,EAAY,CACbrB,EAAK,QAAU7D,EACf,GAAIgG,EAAiB,CACjBnC,EAAK,QAAUmC,EACfnC,EAAK,QAAQ,QAAUA,CACvC,CACA,CACQtE,GAAIgG,EAAce,OAAOT,EAAc,IAS3CZ,GAAY,EAEhB,MAAMW,EAAgB,CAACW,EAAapB,EAAkBC,EAAWC,EAAiBP,EAASjB,EAAMkB,KAC7F,IAAIyB,EACJ,IAAIC,EACJ,IAAIC,EACJ,IAAIxE,EACJ,GAAI2B,EAAK8C,WAAa,EAA+B,CACjDH,EAAgB3C,EAAKvC,aAAab,GAClC,GAAI+F,EAAe,CAGfC,EAAcD,EAAcI,MAAM,KAClC,GAAIH,EAAY,KAAO1B,GAAU0B,EAAY,KAAO,IAAK,CACrDC,EAAa,CACTlD,EAAS,EACTsC,EAAUW,EAAY,GACtBV,EAAUU,EAAY,GACtBI,EAASJ,EAAY,GACrBK,EAASL,EAAY,GACrBhD,EAAOI,EAAK7D,QAAQ+G,cACpBrD,EAAOG,EACPT,EAAS,KACTC,EAAY,KACZiB,EAAO,KACPE,EAAQ,KACRjC,EAAQ,MAEZ4C,EAAiB3C,KAAKkE,GACtB7C,EAAK8B,gBAAgBlF,GAGrB,IAAK8F,EAAYlD,EAAY,CACzBkD,EAAYlD,EAAa,EAC7C,CAEgBkD,EAAYlD,EAAWqD,EAAWI,GAAWJ,EAE7CH,EAAcG,EACd,GAAIrB,GAAmBqB,EAAWG,IAAY,IAAK,CAC/CxB,EAAgBqB,EAAWI,GAAWJ,EAAWhD,CACrE,CACA,CACA,CAEQ,IAAKxB,EAAI2B,EAAKmD,WAAW7E,OAAS,EAAGD,GAAK,EAAGA,IAAK,CAC9C0D,EAAcW,EAAapB,EAAkBC,EAAWC,EAAiBP,EAASjB,EAAKmD,WAAW9E,GAAI6C,EAClH,CACQ,GAAIlB,EAAKqB,WAAY,CAEjB,IAAKhD,EAAI2B,EAAKqB,WAAW8B,WAAW7E,OAAS,EAAGD,GAAK,EAAGA,IAAK,CACzD0D,EAAcW,EAAapB,EAAkBC,EAAWC,EAAiBP,EAASjB,EAAKqB,WAAW8B,WAAW9E,GAAI6C,EACjI,CACA,CACA,MACS,GAAIlB,EAAK8C,WAAa,EAA+B,CAEtDF,EAAc5C,EAAKoD,UAAUL,MAAM,KACnC,GAAIH,EAAY,KAAO1B,GAAU0B,EAAY,KAAO,IAAK,CAErDD,EAAgBC,EAAY,GAC5BC,EAAa,CACTlD,EAAS,EACTsC,EAAUW,EAAY,GACtBV,EAAUU,EAAY,GACtBI,EAASJ,EAAY,GACrBK,EAASL,EAAY,GACrB/C,EAAOG,EACPT,EAAS,KACTC,EAAY,KACZiB,EAAO,KACPE,EAAQ,KACRf,EAAO,KACPlB,EAAQ,MAEZ,GAAIiE,IAAkBlG,EAAc,CAChCoG,EAAWhD,EAAQG,EAAKwC,YACxB,GAAIK,EAAWhD,GAASgD,EAAWhD,EAAMiD,WAAa,EAA4B,CAC9ED,EAAWnE,EAASmE,EAAWhD,EAAMwD,YACrC/B,EAAiB3C,KAAKkE,GAEtB7C,EAAKsD,SACL,IAAKZ,EAAYlD,EAAY,CACzBkD,EAAYlD,EAAa,EACjD,CACoBkD,EAAYlD,EAAWqD,EAAWI,GAAWJ,EAC7C,GAAIrB,GAAmBqB,EAAWG,IAAY,IAAK,CAC/CxB,EAAgBqB,EAAWI,GAAWJ,EAAWhD,CACzE,CACA,CACA,MACiB,GAAIgD,EAAWZ,IAAaf,EAAQ,CAErC,GAAIyB,IAAkBnG,EAAc,CAEhCqG,EAAWjD,EAAQ,OACnB,GAAIgD,EAAY,GAAI,CA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