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Mac for Your Enterprise  

What makes the Mac great for enterprise organizations? It's easy to manage. It's easy to integrate into your existing environment. And with built-in security features, it's easy to ensure a high level of protection.

Apple Resources

Easy to manage.

Same network. Same team. Same processes.

Mac OS X provides robust tools for centralized client management to help increase IT efficiency and reduce costs throughout your organization. Discover how easy and cost-effective it is to deploy the Mac in your organization.

Easy to integrate.

The Mac can be a full-fledged citizen on your network.

The Mac fits seamlessly into Windows and mixed-platform environments, and is easy to integrate and maintain. Click below to learn more about how the Mac can work in your environment.

Profiles in Success.

Many reasons to consider the Mac.

Employee choice, recruitment, increased productivity, reduced support costs - a growing number of organizations are adopting the Mac platform as an approved IT standard on their network. Read more about their successes here.

Is Mac an option for your organization?