ESG in Action


arrow ESG at CDW

Our ESG journey is focused where CDW can make the greatest impact and sustainably add value for our stakeholders.

arrow People

We use our reach, scale and capabilities to create opportunities for people and communities.

arrow Planet

We strive to be sustainable and efficient in our operational practices and seek to positively impact the environmental performance of our value chain.

arrow Partnerships & Portfolio

We help others advance their own ESG efforts by providing products that address environmental and societal needs, and collaborate to amplify the collective impact of the technology sector.

arrow Practices

With every interaction, we strive to inspire trust and confidence in CDW among all our stakeholders.

arrow ESG in Action

Access our library of case studies demonstrating the tangible impact of our ESG program.

arrow ESG Disclosures

Explore our library of ESG resources including our 2023 ESG Report, 2023 Executive Summary,  TCFD and SASB disclosures.

CDW’s ESG Strength Reflected in Recent Ranking

CDW has been ranked 11th of Nasdaq 100 companies for its ESG reputation. The recent results, published as part of the 2022 RepTrak Nasdaq 100 ESG rankings, reflect strong public perception for CDW’s ESG efforts.                          

In determining its rankings, RepTrak utilized a combination of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing to analyze millions of perception and sentiment data points from online surveys, mainstream media, social media, business data, and other third-party sources. For additional details, including the full rankings and research methodology, click here.

“CDW’s commitment to sustainable and socially responsible technology implementation is far-reaching – it’s apparent in what we offer, how we serve our customers, how we work with our vendor partners, and how we engage in our communities,” said Suzette Carty, head of global ESG for CDW. “There are so many stakeholders who are engaged in CDW’s ESG journey and recognitions like this are a real testament to the team’s collective efforts.”

A gray heart symbol is inset with a white circle atop two white leaves adjoining at their base to emulate a person with arms outstretched. The words ‘2022 RepTrak NASDAQ 100 ESG, Ranked*’ are to the right of the symbol