Research Hub > Beyond Technical Skills: How Tech Recruiters Can Build a Winning Team
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Beyond Technical Skills: How Tech Recruiters Can Build a Winning Team

Aligning hiring efforts with company culture and goals attracts top talent and ensures organizational continuity. Seasoned recruiters in the tech industry know how to get beneath the surface when interviewing candidates to ensure a good cultural fit.

In today’s business landscape, where 81 percent of executives surveyed in the PwC Global Culture Survey hailed organizational culture as a pivotal competitive edge, companies rely on seasoned tech recruiters who can ask the right questions and present companies with candidates they can’t live without.

When looking to build a winning team, recruiters must scratch beneath the surface. Here are three traits recruiters focus on when interviewing candidates for the perfect fit:

  1. Capture:

    In the competitive field of tech recruitment, exceptional candidates stand out by responding to interview questions with captivating stories that showcase their valuable contributions to their previous employers' achievements. While technical expertise is essential, tech recruiters recognize that success is not solely dependent on it. Collaboration, problem-solving skills and leadership abilities also play crucial roles. Therefore, effective recruitment in this competitive market goes beyond simple "yes or no" qualification questions. The primary focus is assessing the value candidates can bring to an organization or company.

    Candidates who can effectively communicate their experiences by telling their stories will demonstrate their ability to deliver results credibly by taking recruiters through their thought processes as they navigate various challenges.

  2. Connection:

    Candidates with a deep understanding of the role they are applying for often exhibit a forward-thinking mindset. They seek opportunities to work closely with experienced teams and higher-ups, actively contributing to strategic initiatives.

    Tech recruiters value candidates who demonstrate a hunger for growth, both personally and professionally. These individuals are eager to contribute and connect to the company’s long-term vision. By aligning with candidates with vision, recruiters help shape a team invested in the organization's success.

  3. Curiosity:

    A big green flag for tech recruiters is a candidate's genuine-natural curiosity and passion for the technology they will be working with. Best-fit, right-fit candidates will want to know if a particular job will benefit their skill sets, not just their wallets.

    Exceptional candidates are keenly interested in the company's tech stack and team makeup. They are excited about working with the latest and greatest tools. Their passion for technology indicates their willingness to stay updated, adapt to new trends and embrace innovation. These candidates love what they do, and they show it through their innovative and quality work. Companies today are putting lifelong learners at the top of their candidate list.

Building a Culture of Excellence

Tech recruiters who understand the importance of aligning their hiring efforts with the company's team and goals can protect organizational culture, ensure continuity and avoid project disruptions. By asking the right questions and assessing candidates based on their ability to capture results, connect their goals with the company’s goals and display curiosity, recruiters play a crucial role in building a strong foundation for a successful team. Ultimately, this approach will help companies attract and retain top talent.

CDW Talent Orchestration prioritizes delivering an exceptional, high-touch experience to our customers. Our tech recruiters can go beyond technical competence and build teams that will drive innovation, foster collaboration and achieve long-term success. We provide peace of mind and guide your organization toward solutions that meet your requirements. Understanding the unique challenges you face when managing talent and headcount is central to our commitment as we strive to help you avoid project disruptions.

CDW is dedicated to being attentive and responsive to your needs. We handle each submission with a deep understanding and recognition of your specific requirements. By consistently demonstrating our commitment, we aim to build trust and confidence in our customers. With CDW, you are in capable hands. Your needs will always be at the forefront of our priorities.

Windham Pridgen

CDW Expert
Windham Pridgen, a sales leader with 20 years of experience in IT workforce solutions focusing on transformation/modernization projects in the supply chain, retail, transportation and manufacturing. At CDW, he serves as a Senior Sales Manager based in Atlanta, GA.