November 22, 2021

2 min

Optimize the Employee Experience to Retain Top Talent

With the proper technology solutions from ServiceNow, companies can welcome great employees and ensure they want to stay.

The “Great Resignation” has disrupted the workforce as an unexpected consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies have struggled to hire qualified talent, and they face challenges retaining their current skilled employees. Because of this personnel reshuffling, HR departments have seen unprecedented upticks in activity while trying to balance the increasing need to create a great employee experience, which can quickly determine whether an employee feels engaged with a company or ultimately seeks employment elsewhere.

Before the pandemic, the HR department’s job at most companies was fairly straightforward. Now, for understaffed companies, finding and retaining great talent has become mission-critical.

Take the Necessary Steps to Enhance the Employee Journey

Companies should think about an employee’s journey in the context of the employee’s life cycle: recruitment, onboarding, development, performance, promotion, offboarding and the alumni experience. Having great experiences during these key phases of the employee journey helps to take the employee experience to the next level. But during the pandemic, HR teams have struggled to provide that elevated experience while balancing increased activity. 

ServiceNow makes it easier for companies to curate and optimize the employee journey at scale. Employee journeys can be very complex, but with ServiceNow workflows, companies can cut through that complexity and make the journey seamless. The payoff for getting this right includes an improved employee experience, increased productivity and talent retention.

Balance the Employee Experience Across All Parts of the Organization

While the HR team can rely on ServiceNow to balance the employee’s onboarding journey with an elevated employee experience, to retain those workers, companies also need to focus on the employee’s interactions with other departments, such as IT, facilities and legal. ServiceNow connects all of the different parts of the organization into one unique experience for the employee.

For example, having to use multiple, disjointed systems to request help from IT or HR can confuse employees and disrupt their work. Employees don't want to wonder how to interact with various departments. When companies use ServiceNow as their enterprise solution, employees go to one portal and are able to have a very consistent experience. Using ServiceNow improves productivity by streamlining the employee service experience with intelligent workflows. 

This helps companies not only balance the challenge of finding new talent, but also assists with talent retention. With ServiceNow, companies can simplify the workload for HR teams and create satisfied, engaged employees.

Story by Molly Rogers