3 min

Streamlining Operations with Managed Collaboration Anywhere

By turning to CDW to manage their collaboration environments, organizations can reduce the burden on their IT staffers.

Two years ago, CDW unveiled Managed Collaboration Anywhere for Cisco cloud and on-premises collaboration environments. Since then, we’ve added Microsoft collaboration tools to our suite of managed collaboration services, and we’re now adding solutions from other vendors.

For businesses, this means being able to call a single phone number — and maintain a single partner relationship — to keep collaboration environments running. 

Here are seven business benefits of CDW’s Managed Collaboration Anywhere service.

Decreased Management Burden

One financial services firm we work with had 15 people supporting its collaboration environment. After adopting Managed Collaboration Anywhere from CDW, the company was able to redeploy two-thirds of these staffers. Instead of managing infrastructure and service tickets, they now work on higher-value tasks.

Support for Multiple Platforms

The CIO of this firm, which has several thousand users, decided that many of those users should switch from their existing collaboration solutions and begin using Microsoft Teams. If the company had tried to manage this multiplatform environment internally, it likely would have created complexity and confusion for the IT department.

One-Stop Management

The benefits of an organization solving all of its collaboration problems with a single phone call cannot be overstated. CDW offers ServiceNow integration — including ticketing, reporting and billing — for multiple platforms, allowing organizations to centralize visibility into their collaboration environments. CDW has been offering managed services for more than 20 years, and many of our customers have been with us for well over a decade. These relationships give IT and business leaders confidence, and that matters.

Faster Service

At many organizations, the simple processes of moving, adding, changing or deleting users or services take up an outsized portion of IT staffers’ time. This not only bogs down IT professionals with repetitive tasks, but it frustrates internal customers. At the financial services company mentioned earlier, we were able to reduce the average time to add a user from 26 minutes to just 6 minutes.

Smooth Transition to the Cloud

Many organizations are looking to move from on-premises collaboration systems to solutions hosted in the public cloud, and often, they’re switching from one vendor to another in the process. We’re able to help organizations make the move, meet their deadlines and receive ongoing support for multiple systems during the transition.

Support Anywhere in Your Journey

We can provide valuable services to organizations no matter where they are in their managed services journey. For example, we have been working with one customer in the advisory, assessment and implementation stages of its journey, and now we are fully managing the organization’s collaboration systems. The management started with its on-premises network and has evolved to the cloud. We can support both on-premises and cloud deployments and can provide the flexibility to accommodate different platforms to make sure we meet our customers’ business needs.

Custom Contact Center

One thing that sets CDW apart is our hosted contact center, built to the needs of each organization. Often, during our discovery process, we learn that an organization’s existing contact center architectures aren’t optimized for efficiency, and we make modifications to remove complexity and reroute call flows. As a result, organizations are able to improve their operations and enhance their customer service.


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