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CDW Leads

Build a Business Case Justification with CDW's License Evaluation and Discovery Service

About CDW License Evaluation and Discovery Service

The CDW License Evaluation and Discovery Services (LEADS) engagement is an AWS fully funded project that will assist in navigating license options, enabling CDW Customers to optimize their current spend and future cloud consumption. This engagement will enable our customers to model their deployment options using existing licensing entitlements while reducing overall costs.

Benefits of CDW LEADS

Comprehensive Data Analytics

Compare the claims of other cloud providers to AWS using CDW LEADS-generated data.

Accelerated Migrations

Evaluate your current Windows environment to more quickly optimize them on AWS.

Cost Savings

Gain insights on how CDW LEADS recommendations can help cut licensing and compute costs.

Optimize your cloud adoption journey and cut costs with CDW LEADS' reliable license optimization data.

Increase Windows Environment Visibility

Empower your cloud strategy by collaborating with CDW to develop a migration plan using CDWs License Evaluation and Discovery Service to reduce costs and optimize compute. Employing this free service helps you accurately assess the Windows environment currently in your onpremises or cloud environment and build an inventory of your compute resources. This enables you to make educated decisions to model your infrastructure optimization on AWS—including the impact of licensing dependencies. CDW LEADS captures existing utilization data across your environment so you can accurately right-size cloud architecture, pinpoint application dependency requirements, project costs, and get clarity on what will be necessary as you formulate your AWS migration plan.

Increase Windows Environment Visibility image
Gain a deeper understanding of your licensing options image

Gain a Deeper Understanding of Your Licensing Options

Planning and executing your cloud adoption journey with the help of a partner and the reliable data provided by CDW LEADS equips your organization with right-sized and license-optimized cost models for your Microsoft workloads on AWS. Combining the CDW LEADS infrastructure output with your current licensing position can help you make better informed decisions on the pros and cons of choosing to use either your Microsoft Volume Licenses (BYOL), or AWS License Included (LI) instances in the cloud addition to bringing your own licenses, your organization can choose to leverage LI instances. Doing so relieves the burden of managing licenses because AWS assumes that responsibility, ensuring continuous compliance and positioning you to only pay for those licenses while they are in use. This removes the need to make licensing purchases that are based on peak usage levels and lock you in for 36 months. Utilizing the License Evaluation and Discovery Service offered by CDW brings concise, data-backed, optimized, and cost-effective licensing recommendations.


The CDW License Evaluation and Discovery Service, will provide your organization with a detailed analysis of your licensing costs and options, as well as recommendations for how you can streamline your usage, increase efficiency, while optimizing your licensing spend.

Your organization journey will start with CDW’s Team of certified AWS Architects performing a deep discovery across your environment whether on-prem or in the cloud that is ready to be migrated or modernized with AWS.

Once, the data is gathered the CDW Team will evaluate the data and present the best options for cloud migrations, reduced licensing costs and optimization scenario planning.

The result of License Evaluation and Discovery Service will be presented to your organization showing the proposed changes, right-sizing recommendations, and estimated cost reductions your organization can take advantage of by moving to the AWS Cloud.

Why CDW image

Contact Us

Are you ready to get started on your license optimization journey?

Let us help you get started.

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