Amplified Services > Platform Engineering


Simplify and Optimize Software Development with Platform Engineering

Enabling developers with a centralized platform makes a world of difference when aiming to build better applications. Platform engineering can help your team reduce costs, get work done securely, and simplify the complexity of varying tools, workflows, and dependencies through automation and governance. 

Enable Development Teams with a Self-Service Platform

DevOps can put software development into overdrive, but it also introduces added complexity. With our Platform Engineering services, CDW can help you create an internal developer platform (IDP) that seamlessly allows for continuous integration of new tools and services without compromising performance as your organization grows. With an IDP, you can improve scalability and time-to-market by incorporating re-useable components like libraries, templates and other predefined resources, and also enforce standards and guidelines with automated scanning to verify internal security policies.

How CDW Helps You Advance Platform Engineering

Check out the various services and workshops CDW offers to help you improve your software engineering efforts.

Platform Engineering Foundation

This business-oriented workshop builds a platform engineering approach to a customer’s use case, including team and responsibility mapping and a sample pipeline build.

CDW Platform Engineering Foundation
CDW Infrastructure as Code IaC Workshop

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Workshop

In this engagement, CDW trains a team of up to 12 people on the specifics of IaC technologies using a platform of the customer’s choice.

DevSecOps Workshop

This workshop helps teams establish more effective security testing in an existing development pipeline, demonstrating the value of shifting security left and testing sooner.

CDW DevSecOps Workshop
CDW Multicloud GitOps Foundation

Multicloud GitOps Foundation

This service delivers a complete build of best-in-class offerings around Kubernetes, based on GitOps methodology and using IaC.


Platform Engineering Improves DevOps Workflows and Results

In this robust report, CDW software development experts explore how platform engineering can help boost efficiency, reliability and security; plus address common challenges with DevOps, such as tool overload. Continue reading to learn CDW’s approach to fostering improved collaboration between development and operations teams.

Read the latest from our experts.

Explore Platform Engineering Solutions From Our Partners

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