ESG in Action


arrow ESG at CDW

Our ESG journey is focused where CDW can make the greatest impact and sustainably add value for our stakeholders.

arrow People

We use our reach, scale and capabilities to create opportunities for people and communities.

arrow Planet

We strive to be sustainable and efficient in our operational practices and seek to positively impact the environmental performance of our value chain.

arrow Partnerships & Portfolio

We help others advance their own ESG efforts by providing products that address environmental and societal needs, and collaborate to amplify the collective impact of the technology sector.

arrow Practices

With every interaction, we strive to inspire trust and confidence in CDW among all our stakeholders.

arrow ESG in Action

Access our library of case studies demonstrating the tangible impact of our ESG program.

arrow ESG Disclosures

Explore our library of ESG resources including our 2023 ESG Report, 2023 Executive Summary,  TCFD and SASB disclosures.

Digital CDW Way Code Presents Resources in Simplified, Accessible Format

In 2023, we launched a digital version of The CDW Way Code. This refreshed design was created to enhance the user experience and provide improved readability and navigation for our coworkers. Its mobile device functionality and interactive format enhance accessibility, and the search function helps coworkers find information quickly. Available in English, Spanish, and French Canadian, the digital code links to appropriate policies and additional detail on key topics, driving more interaction and engagement. 

We have controls in place for anyone, inside or outside CDW, to report and address concerns. Our Ethics Helpline can be used to confidentially ask questions, seek advice and/or report possible violations. Reports can also be submitted anonymously. The Helpline is operated by an independent third party, can be accessed by phone or online, and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Reports received are first reviewed by our ethics and compliance group, which completes an assessment to determine the party best suited to investigate or address the report.