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Fuel Better Outcomes in Energy with Digital Transformation and the Internet of Things

Oil and gas companies, as well as electrical ultilities, are seeing big results from incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to increase efficiencies and ensure safety across their operations.

CDW can orchestrate a digital transformation strategy that helps energy, oil and gas companies leverage all the new data that IoT provides to lower the cost of production and operational expenses, streamline maintenance and keep workers safe.

Streamline your energy operations with CDW digital transformation solutions.

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Smart, Connected Solutions are a Smart Move for Energy Companies

IoT in energy, oil and gas is helping companies lower the cost of utilities, improving both the end customer experience and their bottom line.

Increase operational efficiency. 

Oil and gas companies can use smart sensors that monitor pipeline flow and pressure to effortlessly control operations and reduce the risks of production inefficiencies, accidents or even oil spills. Smart metering systems are helping energy companies do everything from monitor energy usage in their own operations to automatically adjust the voltage supply to customer buildings based on usage patterns. 

Reduce equipment downtime. 

Manual monitoring of equipment in expansive oil and natural gas fields can be expensive and time consuming. But with smart energy solutions, companies can use drone inspection of drilling rigs, refineries, pipelines and power substations along with predictive analytics and machine data like internal temperature and pressure to accurately predict what machinery might fail in the coming days or weeks — so you only need to send maintenance crews out when necessary.    

Improve worker safety. 

Advanced video surveillance goes a long way in mitigating physical security risks like equipment damage and unrecognized personnel on premises, reducing the need for expensive security services in remote areas. Real-time location tracking — including IoT wearables that instantly alert "man-down" situations on oil platforms, refineries and power plants — also helps companies pinpoint worker locations and status in the event of an emergency.    

IoT Trends in Energy

The Next Industrial Revolution    

Digital transformation and IoT, combined with a comprehensive mobility strategy, are making industrial workplaces safer, more efficient and more productive by streamlining workflows and real-time communication  in refineries and oil and gas fields.   

Chart a Realistic IoT Roadmap    

From getting started to managing and utilizing growing amounts of data, see how oil and gas companies can create a strategy for digital transformation.    

How Utilities Can Modernize the Electric Grid    

With buy-in from the Department of Energy, utility companies are widely adopting IoT in their operations and seeing the benefits of real-time communication that smart grid technology can provide.    

Featured CDW Digital Transformation Solution for Energy Companies

Energy Monitoring for Oil & Gas Companies    

Energy efficiency is a critical factor in the success of a manufacturing business. Cisco Kinetic is an IoT platform that allows plant operators to monitor real-time energy consumption down to a specific machine within the facility.    

Why CDW for Digital Transformation?

Our years of experience, knowledge and partnerships with leading technology providers can help you implement a digital transformation solution that streamlines your operations and deliver a better, faster and cheaper service.

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