Amazing happens when innovative technology transforms education.
Empower student experiences with a digital-ready education that supports collaborative, personalized learning.
Why CDW?
Our Experience
35+ years has made us a trusted IT partner to more than 15,000 K-12 schools nationwide.
Our Partnerships
We work hand in hand with leading IT innovators, with access to 1000+ brands and 100,000+ products.
Our education experts and ambassadors are available to offer advice and support whenever you need it.
How CDW Helps You Achieve Your K-12 Education Technology Goals
We conduct a range of assessments to learn more about your school’s current challenges and needs. We then create roadmaps from those assessments, to help you plan for growth.
We find educational solutions that meet your needs and that scale and grow with your institution. Our tools and expertise allow us to improve the online experience for both staff and students.
Optimize your processes through integration of our services. Our experts configure and deploy solutions to help you implement the right technology and ensure it works from day one.
With our 24/7/365 support and technology management, CDW can help you save time and money. We free up the bandwidth of your internal IT team so you can focus on more strategic goals.
Unlocking the Secrets That Protect Mt. Diablo's Student Data
K-12 schools have been a consistent target of cyberattacks for the past few years. A partnership with CDW helped Mt. Diablo Unified School District tackle its cybersecurity challenges by implementing the most effective cybersecurity tools in the right order.