Quick tech specs
- Secure Storage of Sensitive and Expensive Medication Doses
- Full Tracking of All Interactions
- Billing Control
- Avoidance of Controlled Medication Diversion,Theft or Loss
- Senior Care
- Includes Cassettes
Know your gear
The Capsa Healthcare NexsysADC™ is the most secure technology to manage controlled medications, STAT/first doses and electronic "E-Kits" - designed for any care environment handling controlled doses and high-value meds/supplies (senior care, hospice, behavioral health, surgery, veterinary). NexsysADC dramatically improves current manual methods for safely storing and dispensing medications and supplies at the point of care. And NexsysADC is practical (about 40 percent less than alternative automated dispensing cabinets). At all times, you know what medications are inside each cabinet, who's accessing them and what medication is dispensed for a specific patient or procedure. NexsysADC even has built-in tamper-evidence technology. The result: Medications are secured and ROI is assured.